Attribute VB_Name = "modme" 'Function takes an array with numeric elements as a parameter 'and calcuates the standard deviation Public Sub ColorListviewRow(lv As ListView, RowNbr As Long, RowColor As OLE_COLOR) '*************************************************************************** 'Purpose: Color a ListView Row 'Inputs : lv - The ListView ' RowNbr - The index of the row to be colored ' RowColor - The color to color it 'Outputs: None '*************************************************************************** Dim itmX As ListItem Dim lvSI As ListSubItem Dim intIndex As Integer On Error GoTo ErrorRoutine Set itmX = lv.ListItems(RowNbr) itmX.ForeColor = RowColor For intIndex = 1 To lv.ColumnHeaders.count - 1 Set lvSI = itmX.ListSubItems(intIndex) lvSI.ForeColor = RowColor Next Set itmX = Nothing Set lvSI = Nothing Exit Sub ErrorRoutine: MsgBox Err.Description End Sub Function mymedian() End Function Public Function StandardDeviation(NumericArray As Variant) _ As Double Dim dblSum As Double, dblSumSqdDevs As Double, dblMean As Double Dim lngCount As Long, dblAnswer As Double Dim vElement As Variant Dim lngStartPoint As Long, lngEndPoint As Long, lngCtr As Long On Error GoTo ErrorHandler 'if NumericArray is not an array, this statement will 'raise an error in the errorhandler lngCount = UBound(NumericArray) On Error Resume Next lngCount = 0 'the check below will allow 'for 0 or 1 based arrays. vElement = NumericArray(0) lngStartPoint = IIf(Err.Number = 0, 0, 1) lngEndPoint = UBound(NumericArray) 'get sum and sample size For lngCtr = lngStartPoint To lngEndPoint vElement = NumericArray(lngCtr) If IsNumeric(vElement) Then lngCount = lngCount + 1 dblSum = dblSum + CDbl(vElement) End If Next 'get mean If lngCount > 1 Then dblMean = dblSum / lngCount 'get sum of squared deviations For lngCtr = lngStartPoint To lngEndPoint vElement = NumericArray(lngCtr) If IsNumeric(vElement) Then dblSumSqdDevs = dblSumSqdDevs + _ ((vElement - dblMean) ^ 2) End If Next 'divide result by sample size - 1 and get square root. 'this function calculates standard deviation of a sample. 'If your set of values represents the population, use sample 'size not sample size - 1 If lngCount > 1 Then lngCount = lngCount - 1 'eliminate for population values dblAnswer = Sqr(dblSumSqdDevs / lngCount) End If End If StandardDeviation = dblAnswer Exit Function ErrorHandler: Err.Raise Err.Number Exit Function End Function Public Function Median(ByVal NumericArray As Variant, num As Integer) _ As Double '******************************************************' 'INPUT: An Array of Numbers 'RETURNS: The statistical median of that array. ' If invalid data is passed, i.e., a value that ' is not an array, or the Array contains non-numeric ' data, an error is raised 'EXAMPLE: ' Dim vNumbers as Variant ' dim dblMedian as double ' vNumbers = array(4, 9, 1, 5, 3, 1, 7) ' dblMedian = Median(vNumbers) '**************************************************** Dim arrLngAns As Variant Dim lngElement1 As Long Dim lngElement2 As Long Dim dblSum As Double Dim dblAns As Double Dim lngElementCount As Long 'sort array arrLngAns = BubbleSortArray(NumericArray) If Not IsArray(arrLngAns) Then Err.Raise 30000, , "Invalid Data Passed to function" Exit Function End If lngElementCount = (UBound(arrLngAns) - LBound(arrLngAns)) + 1 lngElementCount = lngElementCount - num If UBound(arrLngAns) Mod 2 = 0 Then lngElement1 = (UBound(arrLngAns) / 2) + (LBound(arrLngAns) / 2) Else lngElement1 = Int(UBound(arrLngAns) / 2) + Int(LBound(arrLngAns) / 2) + 1 End If If lngElementCount Mod 2 <> 0 Then If (arrLngAns(lngElement1)) = "" Then dblAns = -1 Else dblAns = arrLngAns(lngElement1) End If Else lngElement2 = lngElement1 + 1 If (arrLngAns(lngElement1)) = "" Then dblAns = -1 Else dblSum = arrLngAns(lngElement1) + arrLngAns(lngElement2) dblAns = dblSum / 2 End If End If Median = dblAns End Function Public Function Median2(X() As Variant, n As Integer) 'this function calculates the median of a vector 'Determine Median If n Mod 2 = 0 Then Median2 = 0.5 * (X(n / 2) + X((n + 2) / 2)) Else Median2 = X((n + 1) / 2) End If End Function Function CountByItem(anItem As Variant, aReset As Integer) As Long 'Return next counter for the same anItem ' value 'The counter is reset to 1 when anItem & ' lt;> lastItem 'If forceReset = 0 then counter is force ' d to 0 and 0 is returned Static countValue As Long Static lastItem As Variant If aReset = 0 Then countValue = 0 CountByItem = 0 Exit Function End If If anItem <> lastItem Then countValue = 1 lastItem = anItem Else countValue = countValue + 1 End If CountByItem = countValue End Function '=============================================================== Public Sub ShellSort(X() As Variant, n As Integer) 'This subroutine performs the Shell sort of a vector 'Define variables Dim gap As Integer Dim doneFlag As Boolean Dim index As Integer Dim temp As Single 'Perform sort gap = Int(n / 2) Do While gap >= 1 Do doneFlag = True For index = 1 To n - gap If X(index) > X(index + gap) Then temp = X(index) X(index) = X(index + gap) X(index + gap) = temp doneFlag = False End If Next index Loop Until doneFlag = True gap = Int(gap / 2) Loop End Sub Public Function BubbleSortArray(ByVal NumericArray As Variant) _ As Variant ' Dim vAns As Variant Dim vTemp As Variant Dim bSorted As Boolean Dim lCtr As Long Dim lCount As Long Dim lStart As Long vAns = NumericArray If Not IsArray(vAns) Then BubbleSortArray = vbEmpty Exit Function End If 'On Error GoTo ErrorHandler lStart = LBound(vAns) lCount = UBound(vAns) bSorted = False Do While Not bSorted bSorted = True For lCtr = lCount - 1 To lStart Step -1 If vAns(lCtr + 1) < vAns(lCtr) Then DoEvents bSorted = False vTemp = vAns(lCtr) vAns(lCtr) = vAns(lCtr + 1) vAns(lCtr + 1) = vTemp End If Next lCtr Loop BubbleSortArray = vAns Exit Function ErrorHandler: BubbleSortArray = vbEmpty Exit Function End Function