The Grader Project

Every quarter at Cal Poly, and instructor has to manage, compute, and submit grades to the Calpoly  Student Information Server and the whole process is done incremental day by day because projects, homework assignment are usually not given all at one Manage grades is very difficult for an instructor because he always as to update it constantly to service the students better. The whole process is very tiresome and tedious so, instructors are looking for a way to make it easier for them.


The Grader Project, focuses to make not only, the instructor’s live easier, but also Teacher Assistant to grade and record homework and Student to view their grades and well as other student grade to see how they are performing overall. Student will get to see scores a lot sooner, TA’s will get to work from home to record grades, and Instructors will save time having to walk to the Administration Building to submit grade at the end of every quarter.

The Grader project is organized into the following directories:

  • requirements -- user-level functional requirements for the project
  • specification -- formal specification of the functional requirements
  • prototype -- operational prototype, with limited functionality
  • design -- architectural software design
  • implementation -- implementation source and executables
  • testing -- testing plans and results
  • administration -- administrative and managerial information
  • documentation -- audience-specific documentation, such as users manual and installation instructions