2.10 Details of Edit Operations

Here is the list of the Edit menu in Figure 1.

Figure 1: Edit Menu

The ‘Edit->Undo’ command returns the Class to the most recent state before the current state. The ‘Edit->Redo’ command reverses an Undo. The ‘Edit->Cut’ command takes the information out of a cell or text box selection (a string representing what was entered) and stores it in the clipboard. The ‘Edit->Copy’ command does the same thing, but preserves the information that was in the cell. ‘Edit->Paste’ takes the information that is currently in the clipboard and puts it wherever the cursor is. This can be in a dialog box or a cell. The information that was in the clipboard is preserved after a Paste. ‘Edit->Select All’ selects all the text in a given context. This can be a cell, or a text box in a dialog. ‘Edit->Find’ performs a search through the given context for a given string. ‘Edit->Replace’ does the same thing but with the option of replacing any matches with another given string. The search dialog box is as shown in Figure 2.

Figure 2: Find and Replace Window

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