2.12 Details of Edit Operations

When an invalid input is entered in any Grader Tool functionality a error window appears as shown in Figure 2.12-1.

Figure 2.12-1

The following is the list of other possible error messages in the Grader Tool:

·  Student already exist in the class.

·  Collapse failed, nothing selected.

·  Uncollapse failed, nothing selected.

·  Sort failed, no Items selected.

·  Sort failed, no Students in current Class.

·  Sort failed, no sort types selected.

·  AddItem failed, item cannot have the same name as another item.
·  AddItem failed, sum of all the weights directly under the parent must equal 100.

·  EditItem failed, the item does not exist in the class.
·  EditItem failed, the sum of all the weights directly under the parent must equal 100.
·  EditItem failed, the item cannot have the same name as another item.

·  DeleteItem failed, the item does not exist in the class.

·  The entered score for <assignment title> is greater than the possible score.

·  The Max Percentage cannot be higher than 100 or the Max Percentage of a higher grade.

·  The Max Percentage cannot be lower than 0 or the Max Percentage of lower grade.

·  The entered in values for relative percentages do not add up to 100.

·  The percentages must be between 100 and 0.

·  The input is not a number. Please enter a number.

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