1.5.5. Gradekeeper 5.7
Gradekeeper 5.7 is available from
www.gradekeeper.com/download.htm for both MAC and Windows machines. Its layout is very plain, but it boasts a moderate amount of features. Some limitations are present for example, the grade sheet is not very customizable and the webpages generated require confidential information to login (name and id).
Positive Aspects:
Simple layout, ideal for educators with little technical knowledge
Customizable individual or class progress report generation
Seating chart and attendance sheets
Provides basic grading options such as weighting, letter grade range settings, Pass/Fail grading
Password feature (full version only)
Generation of individual or whole class webpage grading reports.
Transfer of grading files to a mobile device (Palm-Pilot) through Hotsync software
Importation of student data; names, ids, from text files
Negative Aspects:
All access to grade sheet formatting and grade report options, webpage and report generation, and sorting must be done through the drop-down menus
Limits on assignment categories (5) and number of students/grade sheet (250)
Preset layout of grading sheet
Descending sorting only
Only one level of undo
Predefined school year divisions, will probably suit most cases, but would be nice to customize
Missing Aspects:
Priveleges/Permissions for different classes of users
No interactive "What if" student querying
No graphical statistical reporting
No grace period options
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