(*Object Model Statistics - first draft *) (* This file defines the objects and operations of a Statistic *) object Statistics components: GradedItem* and Class and Average and Median and StdDev and Range; description: (* Statistics consists of any number of graded items and a class. Average, median, stdDev and range tell whether or not include that statistic *); end Statistics; object Average is components: avg and show and GradedItem*; description: (* avg is the average of the GradedItems its given and show is a boolean that tells whether or not the show this stat in statistics. *); end Average; object avg is integer; object show is boolean; object Median is components: median and show and GradedItem*; description: (* median is the median of the GradedItems its given and show is a boolean that tells whether or not the show this stat in statistics. *); end Median; object median is integer; object StdDev is components: StdDev and show and GradedItem*; description: (* stdDev is the standard deviation of the GradedItems its given and show is a boolean that tells whether or not the show this stat in statistics. *); end StdDev; object Range is components: beginR and endR and show and GradedItem*; description: (* beginR is the smallest number is the range and endR is the end of the range of the GradedItems its given and show is a boolean that tells whether or not the show this stat in statistics. *); end Range; object beginR is integer; object endR is integer; operation ViewStatisticsInWindow is inputs: GradedItem*, Class, Average, Median, StdDev, Range; outputs: ; description: (* ViewStatisticsInWindow displays a statistics object in a new window *); end ViewStatisticsInWindow; operation ViewStatisticsInGradebook is inputs: GradedItem*, UserWorkSpace, Class, Average, Median, StdDev, Range; outputs: UserWorkSpace; description: (* ViewStatisticsInGradebook displays the statistics in rows in the gradebook *); end ViewStatisticsInWindow;