Section 1






1.0 BSC 10/27/06 FIX  P1, S4 - Change "submit grades" to "submit  work"

P2, S2 -  Change "Calendar" to "Grader"

1.1 BSC 10/27/06 OK  
1.2 BSC 10/27/06 FIX  Links missing at bottom
1.3 BSC 10/27/06 FIX  Links missing at bottom. May want to reformat to match rest of section 1
1.4 BSC 10/27/06 FIX  Links missing at bottom.

P1, S1 - "at" -> "with"

P1, S2 - integrating mispelled


1.5 BSC 10/27/06 FIX  Impacts link at bottom goes to wrong page.

"Up" link should point to 1.0

"Next" should link to 1.5.1

GradeWrite link broken (capital W in link)

GradeWay/GradebookPower link broken (html -> htm)


1.5.1 BSC 10/27/06 FIX Link to GradeWay broken (html -> htm)

Should be link to EasyGradePro, not Gradeway

1.5.2 BSC 10/27/06 FIX Links missing at bottom
1.5.3 BSC 10/27/06 OK  
1.5.4 BSC 10/27/06 FIX Add Section number

Missing links at bottom

Missing introduction to program

1.5.5 BSC 10/27/06 FIX Missing links at bottom
1.5.6 BSC 10/27/06 FIX Missing links at bottom