Requirements Specification Prototype Design Implementation Testing Administration Documentation

2.2.2 Student Class Setup

Students go through a different setup process than instructors. They are not required (or allowed) to create a class, instead they must connect to a central server and download a class their professor has uploaded. Students go to File->Fetch Gradebok... as seen in Figure 1 and the screen seen in Figure 2 is created. The window in Figure 2 is the same window shown to instructors when they create a new class, and it has the same function here. Refer to section 2.2.1 for details on this window's values. Instead of entering the instructors account information, the student should enter theirs and click ok. Easy grader is now connected to the server.

Figure 1
Figure 2

After connecting to the server, Easy Grader downloads all Grade Book files associated with classes the student is enrolled in. These files are opened only in Easy Grader's memory, though the student may save them at any time and is asked if they wish to when closing the files. An example of the resulting view can be seen in Figure 3. All names and IDs but the students have been removed.

Figure 1

This same process can be used with a Grade Book that has already been downloaded. In that situation Easy Grader does not need to ask for the students CalPoly account information and will download only the class that is opened, even if the student is enrolled in multiple classes. The student may save this new version of their Grade Book at any time and will be asked if they wish to do so if they close without saving, but it will not save automatically.

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