1.5.4 Gradekeeper
The Gradekeeper is an easy to use electric gradebook. You can take attendence, create seating charts, and enter assignment and scores. Though it includes many basic functionality, there are many functions like creating graphs and charts that's not included. The Gradekeeper is able to export to many websites, but it is very disappointing that you cannot copy the content to spreadsheet programs like Excel.
Good Features:
- Does more than just grades.
- Customizable categories.
- Customizable grade scale.
- Attendance and seating chart.
- Clean and easy to use interface.
- Export to...
- Built in late policy
- Sort students by name, ID, and grade.
- Sort assignments by name, date, and category
- Missing assignment report.
- Palm application - able hotsync with your computer.
- Security - able to assign password to class.
Bad Features:
- Limited customizable categories.
- Limited maximum number of student in a class
- Limited maximum number of assignment
- No customizable school year selection
- No export to...
Missing Features:
- Create reports on individual assignment.
- Create charts.
- Edit multiple classes at the same time
- Only available for Windows and Mac.
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