Grader Team Inspection Test Week 5

Component Inspector Date Status Remarks
2.0 DD 19oct07 FIX Links section is out of date.
2.1 DD 19oct07 DONE
2.1.1 DD 19oct07 DONE
2.1.2 DD 19oct07 DONE
2.1.3 DD 19oct07 DONE
2.2 DD 19oct07 FIX AddCategory.jpg (Figure 10) missing
AddCategory2.jpg (Figure 11) missing
P3: "Upload Student" should be changed to "update / get / download" student(s).
  Either Always refer to "roster" or "students", don't mix and match.
  Change interior to use Google Spreadsheet UI.
P5: Define "parent category items"
  "children grade items" is an awkward phrase - change or make clearer.
  Second to last sentance incomplete.
P6: Change "Section 2.?" to correct section number.
  "lingers" seems a strange word to describe "points possible"
P7: "Class->Save Category as template" no longer a menu item, update.
  "the instructor is ready to being graded"->"the instructor is ready to begin grading"
  Bottom navigation bar should look like others.
2.3.0 DD 19oct07 FIX P1: What is refeered to by the term, "these contents"?
P2: Check Paragraph for present tense.
  The menu functions detailed here are covered in an earlier section - refrence earlier section and remove.
2.3.1 DD 19oct07 FIX P1-3: Many gramatical mistakes and a lack of present tense. Please re-write.
2.3.2 DD 19oct07 FIX P1: What are "categories" and "parent categories"? Define them - it's unclear.
P2: "the figures has" -> "the figures have"
  Make the late policy names match names in figure 20
  "then the score for that category is 0" -> "then the score for that grade item is 0". I think this is the correct change, please clarify "category"
2.3.3 DD 19oct07 FIX Remove description of Menus, as this is covered in an earlier section. Refeer to earlier section if needed.
2.4 DD 19oct07 FIX P1: Second Sentance doesn't make sense.
  Last two sentances seem awkwardly worded.
P2: "field is none" -> "field is blank"
2.4.1 DD 19oct07 FIX Top level menu UI addressed in earlier section. Please refrence earlier section rather than re-stating content.
2.4.2 DD 19oct07 Figure 24 - Insert image from power point.
2.5 DD 19oct07 FIX The Menu User Interface is specified in an earlier section, if you want to refrence that, that's fine.
The image seems to overlap with the UI section.
2.5.1 DD 19oct07 FIX Update diagram to Fisher's spec.
2.5.2 DD 19oct07 FIX Update diagram to Fisher's spec.
2.5.3 DD 19oct07 DONE Stub.
2.6 DD 19oct07 DONE
2.6.1 DD 19oct07 FIX Fix the "Up" link on the bottom navigation bar.
2.6.2 DD 19oct07 DONE
2.6.3 DD 19oct07 DONE
2.6.4 DD 19oct07 FIX Need header and bottom navigation bars.
For each sortable category, specify how the program will sort. I.e. alphabetically / ascending value / etc....
2.6.5 DD 19oct07 FIX Change section number on top from 2.5 to 2.6.5
Update figures to newer interfaces - remove teams from "student" view.