Grader Team Inspection Test Week 6

Component Inspector Date Status Remarks
2.0P1 DO 26oct07 DONE
2.0A2 DO 26oct07 FIX Need to update new scenarios and their corresponding links
2.1P1 DO 26oct07 DONE
2.1P2 DO 26oct07 DONE
2.1P3 DO 26oct07 DONE
2.1A2 DO 26oct07 DONE
2.1P4 DO 26oct07 DONE
2.1.1P1 DO 26oct07 DONE
2.1.1A5 DO 26oct07 DONE
2.1.1A9 DO 26oct07 DONE
2.1.1A10 DO 26oct07 DONE
2.1.2 D0 26oct07 DONE
2.1.3A4 D0 26oct07 DONE
2.2 D0 26oct07 FIX I do not see section 2.2.1 as of 5:43 pm at dan's webpage
2.2P1 D0 26oct07 FIX Should rephrase "Refer to section 2.2.1 for details ..." to a more active voice
2.2I2 D0 26oct07 FIX Figure 15 is inbetween figure 13 and figure 14 but has no picture
2.2P7 D0 26oct07 FIX Electronic submission is dropped from the project
2.3.0 DO 26oct07 DONE
2.3.1 DO 26oct07 FIX I3 and I4 should display various settings instead of the same
2.3.2 DO 26oct07 FIX I5 can be place after P3
2.3.3P1 DO 26oct07 FIX Resize the paragraph
2.3.4 DO 26oct07 FIX currently a stub, need to fill in work. The bottom anchor "Prev" needs syntax editing
2.4P1 DO 26oct07 FIX Rephrase "Refer to section 2.1 ..."
All the figures are mislabeld
2.4.1 DO 26oct07 FIX Need some images to show delete / edit changing the roster/ gradebook
2.4.2I1 DO 26oct07 FIX Figure 24 - Insert image from power point.
2.4.3 DO 26oct07 FIX currently a stub. Add content to it
2.4.3A2 DO 26oct07 FIX The NEXT anchor makes link to 2.6 instead of 2.5. Fix it.
2.5 DO 26oct07 DONE
2.5.1 DO 26oct07 DONE
2.5.2 DO 26oct07 DONE
2.6 DO 26oct07 FIX AI and A3 fails to link to the webpages. fix it.
2.6.1 DO 26oct07 FIX Fix the "Up" link on the bottom navigation bar.
There should not be "Prev" link.
2.6.2 DO 26oct07 DONE
2.6.3P1 DO 26oct07 DONE
2.6.3P2 DO 26oct07 DONE
2.6.3P3 DO 26oct07 DONE
2.6.4P1 DO 26oct07 FIX Commands like "Sort By..." should be different than regular text
2.6.4I1 DO 26oct07 FIX You refer to figure x, need to label the figure.
2.6.4A1 DO 26oct07 FIX There are not bottom navigation bar. Need Prev: Next : NONE etc
2.6.5 DO 26oct07 FIX Change section number on top from 2.5 to 2.6.5
Update figures to newer interfaces
2.6.5A1 DO 26oct07 FIX Prev link does not work. fix it