Once again, we have not been able to figure out how to compile the project into a JAR, so the JARs are provided, as well as all of the source code for your reading pleasure. There are three JARs this time, one for the Instructor, the TA, and the Student user accounts. With one exception, the TA and Student JARs are just a stripped down version of the Instructor JAR. For that reason, I am only going to explain how to get to the forms in the Instructor account. Also, all of these forms were done by the team as whole, so no names will be put onto any of them. All Source code can be found in PolyGrade-UserType/src/graderforms/resources =========================================== Form Actions: =========================================== Login Start the program Gradsheet Hit enter from Login Download Roster File->Download Roster Update Roster File->Update Roster Loading Roster From Update Roster, either select a file to open Or click the check box, then click Synchronize Roster Post Grades File->Post Grades Post Successful Click Yes from Post Grades Item Explorer Click Show/Hide from Gradesheet. Histogram Click Graph from Gradesheet, or View->Graph->Histogram. Pie Chart View->Graph->Pie Chart Graph Settings View->Graph->Settings Custom Grade Scheme Manage->Grade Scheme Manage Students Manage->New Student Add/Edit Graded Items Manage->New Item TA-Gradesheet Launch the TA JAR, hit enter from Login. Note that menu items have been removed Student-Gradesheet Launch the Student JAR, hit enter from Login. Note that menu items have been removed Grade Predictor From Student-Gradesheet, click View->Predictor