Component Inspector Date Status Remarks
2.4 KO 13nov09 DONE --
P1 KO 13nov09 DONE --
2.4.1 KO 13nov09 FIX Concerns below
P1 KO 13nov09 FIX Figure number listed as X
IMG1 KO 13nov09 FIX Figure number listed as X
P2 KO 13nov09 FIX "Grade- sheet" should be "Gradesheet"; unnecessary dividing line; "A new Parent being created is show in Figure X." should be "A new Parent is created as shown in Figure X."
IMG2 KO 13nov09 FIX Figure number listed as X; "Being Created" description should be lowercase
P3 KO 13nov09 FIX Figure number listed as X; Add space between dividing line of this paragraph and IMG 3.
IMG3 KO 13nov09 FIX Figure number listed as X; Add dividing line after this image.
P4 KO 13nov09 FIX Figure number listed as X; "A new Assignment being created is show in Figure X." should be "A new Assignment is created as shown in Figure X."
IMG4 KO 13nov09 FIX Figure number listed as X
P5 KO 13nov09 FIX Figure number listed as X; Add divided lines as appropriate
IMG5 KO 13nov09 FIX Figure number listed as X; Add divided lines as appropriate
P6 KO 13nov09 FIX Figure number listed as X; Add divided lines as appropriate; Try to draw similar to others
IMG6 KO 13nov09 FIX Figure number listed as X; Add divided lines as appropriate
IMG7 KO 13nov09 FIX Figure number listed as X; Add divided lines as appropriate; Try to draw similar to others
NAV KO 13nov09 DONE --
2.4.2 KO 13nov09 FIX Concerns below
P1 KO 13nov09 FIX Figure number should be referenced; Add divided lines as appropriate
IMG1 KO 13nov09 FIX Figure number listed as X; Add divided lines as appropriate
P2 KO 13nov09 FIX Figure number should be referenced; Add divided lines as appropriate
IMG2 KO 13nov09 FIX Figure number listed as X; Add divided lines as appropriate
P3 KO 13nov09 FIX Figure number should be referenced; Add divided lines as appropriate
IMG3 KO 13nov09 FIX Figure number listed as X; Add dividing line after this image.
IMG4 KO 13nov09 FIX Figure number listed as X; Add divided lines as appropriate; Try to draw similar to others
IMG5 KO 13nov09 FIX Figure number listed as X; Add divided lines as appropriate; Try to draw similar to others
NAV KO 13nov09 DONE --