Component Inspector Date Status Remarks
2.5 KO 13nov09 FIX Concerns below
P1 KO 13nov09 DONE --
NAV KO 13nov09 FIX "graded-items" should be "edit-assignments"
2.5.1 KO 13nov09 FIX Concerns below
P1KO 13nov09 FIX Figure number listed -- should remove for now unless it's been figured out
IMG1KO 13nov09 FIX Figure number listed -- should remove for now unless it's been figured out
P2KO 13nov09 FIX Perhaps reference the figure # (leave as X for now) in this paragraph; Extra whitespace above this paragraph and IMG1.
IMG2KO 13nov09 FIX Figure number listed -- should remove for now unless it's been figured out
P3KO 13nov09 FIX Extra newline between first mini-paragraph and second; Perhaps reference the figure # (leave as X for now) in this paragraph
IMG3KO 13nov09 FIX Figure number listed -- should remove for now unless it's been figured out
P4 KO 13nov09 FIX Perhaps reference the figure #s (leave as Xs for now) in this paragraph;Extra whitespace above this paragraph and IMG3.
IMG4KO 13nov09 FIX Figure number listed -- should remove for now unless it's been figured out
IMG5KO 13nov09 FIX Figure number listed -- should remove for now unless it's been figured out
P5KO 13nov09 FIX Extra whitespace above this paragraph and IMG5; Additional concerns below
P5-A1KO 13nov09 FIX "Section 2.5.5" broken link
P5-A2KO 13nov09 FIX"Section 2.5.6" broken link
NAV KO 13nov09 DONE --
2.5.2 KO 13nov09 DONE --
2.5.3 KO 13nov09 FIX Concerns below
P1 KO 13nov09 FIX Figure number listed as X
IMG1 KO 13nov09 FIX Figure number listed as X
P2 KO 13nov09 FIX Figure number listed as X; "View" should be in <tt> tag; "View command menu." should be "View menu command."; Extra whitespace at bottom of paragraph
IMG2 KO 13nov09 FIX Figure number listed as X
P3 KO 13nov09 DONE --
2.5.4 KO 13nov09 FIX Concerns below
P1 KO 13nov09 FIX Figure number listed as X
IMG1 KO 13nov09 FIX Figure number listed as X
P2 KO 13nov09 FIX Figure number should be listed as X
IMG2 KO 13nov09 FIX Figure number listed as X
P3 KO 13nov09 DONE --
NAV KO 13nov09 DONE --
2.5.5 KO 13nov09 FIX Concerns below
P1 KO 13nov09 FIX Figure number listed as X
IMG1 KO 13nov09 FIX Figure number listed as X
P2 KO 13nov09 FIX Figure number should be listed as X
IMG2 KO 13nov09 FIX Figure number listed as X
IMG3 KO 13nov09 FIX Figure number listed as X
P3 KO 13nov09 DONE --
NAV KO 13nov09 DONE --
2.5.6 KO 13nov09 FIX Concerns below
P1 KO 13nov09 FIX Figure numbers should be listed as Xs
IMG1 KO 13nov09 FIX Figure number listed as X
IMG2 KO 13nov09 FIX Figure number listed as X
P2 KO 13nov09 DONE --
NAV KO 13nov09 DONE --