Component Inspector Date Status Remarks
2.6 KO 13nov09 FIX No changes from last milestone. The following is from week 7 testing. This section should be relabelled as "2.6" in "graphs.html".
2.6L1 KO 13nov09 DONE --
2.6L2 KO 13nov09 DONE --
2.6L3 KO 13nov09 DONE --
2.6P1 KO 13nov09 FIX Dead Link to figure 27
2.6I1 KO 13nov09 DONE --
2.6P2 KO 13nov09 FIX Dead Link to figure 27, Remove comment about custom grade scheme, as it is described below
2.6I2 KO 13nov09 DONE --
2.6P3 KO 13nov09 FIX Dead Link to figure 27
2.6I3 KO 13nov09 DONE --
2.6L4 KO 13nov09 DONE --
2.6P4 KO 13nov09 DONE --
2.6I4 KO 13nov09 DONE --
2.6P5 KO 13nov09 DONE --
2.6P6 KO 13nov09 DONE --
2.6I5 KO 13nov09 DONE --
2.6L5 KO 13nov09 DONE --
2.6P7 KO 13nov09 DONE --
2.6I6 KO 13nov09 DONE --
2.6L6 KO 13nov09 DONE --
2.6P8 KO 13nov09 DONE --
2.6NAV KO 13nov09 FIX Link to gradesheet-operations