Component Inspector Date Status Remarks
2.8 KW 23nov09 FIX Concerns below
P1 KW 23nov09 FIX Section should be called Administration, not Using the Grade Sheet
NAV KW 23nov09 FIX "gradesheet-operations" should be "student-functions"
2.8.1 KW 23nov09 FIX Concerns below
P1 KW 23nov09 FIX Figure number listed at X
IMG1KW 23nov09 FIX Figure number listed at X
P2 KW 23nov09 DONE --
NAV KW 23nov09 DONE --
2.8.2 KW 23nov09 FIX Concerns below
P1 KW 23nov09 FIX Figure number listed at X
IMG1 KW 23nov09 FIX Figure number listed at X
P2 KW 23nov09 FIX Figure number listed at X; Extra whitespace above paragraph and IMG1
IMG2 KW 23nov09 FIX Figure number listed at X
P2 KW 23nov09 DONE --
NAV KW 23nov09 DONE --