package grader.Category; import grader.GradingScheme.*; import grader.View.*; import grader.Gradebook.*; import java.util.Collection; /** * * Category contains information on a specific category (or in some cases, * graded item) within the gradebook. Each category has a name and * description, along with default values of its grading style and late * penalty. The weight of the category determines the weight the category * has within its own level (Note: This is NOT the weight of the overall class) *. Each category can have a parent category, for which it inherits its * default grading styles and late penalties. Each category can also have a list of many other categories below it, which are its children. * * @author * @version * **/ public class Category { /** Default Constructor **/ public Category() { } /** Adds the category to the list of categories **/ protected GradeBook addCategory(Category gb, GradeBook cat) { return null; } /** Adds the graded item to the list of graded items and categories **/ protected GradeBook addItem(GradeBook gb, GradedItem gi) { return null; } /** Removes the category to the list of categories **/ protected GradeBook deleteCategory(Category gb, GradeBook cat) { return null; } /** Removes the graded item to the list of graded items/categories **/ protected GradeBook deleteItem(GradeBook gb, GradedItem gi) { return null; } /** Removes the graded item to the list of graded items/categories **/ protected GradeBook editCategory(GradeBook gb, GradedItem oldgi, GradedItem newgi) { return null; } /** Removes the category to the list of categories **/ protected GradeBook editCategory(Category gb, Category oldcat, GradeBook newcat) { return null; } protected String catName; protected String catDesc; protected IGradingStyle gradStyle; protected latePenalty latePen; protected int weight; protected Category parentCat; }