package grader2.GradingScheme; import java.util.Collection; /** * * A GradingScheme is a collection of grade ranges. Together these grad *e ranges map symbolic grades to numeric grades. GradeScheme applies to the whole grade book. * * @author * @version * **/ public class GradingScheme { /** Default Constructor **/ public GradingScheme() { } /** AddMarkItem takes the current MarkSet and adds a Mark Item to it **/ protected MarkSet addMarkItem(MarkItem ms, MarkSet[] mi) { return null; } /** AddMarkSet takes the current MarkSets and adds a Mark Set to it **/ protected MarkSets addMarkSet(MarkSet[] ms, MarkSets[] mss) { return null; } /** DeleteMarkItem takes the current MarkSet and deletes the Mark Item from it **/ protected MarkSet deleteMarkItem(MarkItem ms, MarkSet[] mi) { return null; } /** Edit Grade Scheme takes the current Grade Scheme, and an edited grade range and outputs the new Grade Scheme. **/ protected GradingScheme editGradeScheme(GradeRange gs, GradeRange ngr, GradingScheme[] ogr) { return null; } /** Edit MarkSet takes an old MarkSet, a new MarkSet and a MarkSet * list and replaces the old MarkSet with the new MarkSet and returns an updated MarksSet list **/ protected MarkSets editMarkSet(MarkSet[] mso, MarkSet[] msn, MarkSets[] msl) { return null; } protected Collection data; }