2.3.4. Mid-Term Roster Synchronization Manual

The user has two options for synchronizaing gradebook rosters with SIS. The user can choose to have the Grader manange all conflicts as shown in or can manage conflicts on a case by case basis as shown in The user clicks 'Roster Sync' menu command under 'File'. In response the Grader will display the wizard displayed in Figure Automatic Conflict Resolution

The user fills in their username and password in order to authenticate to the SIS server. After the user authenticates, the Grader pulls down the roster information for all the professor's classes.

Figure Roster Sync Wizard.

The user chooses 'Use all defaults' to have the Grader automatically manage all conflicts between the gradebook and SIS. This mode will automatically sync all classes with SIS and override the SIS information with that contained in the gradebook.

Figure Conflict Resolution Options.

After the Grader finishes syncing it displays the Figure

Figure Roster Sync Success. Manual Conflict Resolution

The user fills in their username and password in order to authenticate to the SIS server. After the user authenticates, the Grader pulls down the roster information for all the professor's classes.

Figure Roster Sync Wizard.

The user chooses 'Manage Manually' to have the Grader allow the user to manage all conflicts.

Figure Conflict Resolution Options.

In this mode the user must select the classes to synchronize. The user clicks each class that she wants to synch and then clicks 'Next'.

Figure Class Selection.

The grader reports if any conflicts occured. The user must then click 'Fix Now' to manage the conflicts.

Figure Conflicts Detected.

The user must then select whether to keep the gradebook or SIS information for each conflict on a case by case basis.

The 'Name' and 'EMPL ID' columns are the full name and empl ID of the student. The next two columns, 'Gradebook' and 'SIS', contain the first conflict of the student. The user selects either the 'Grade' or 'SIS' radial buttons to choose to use that information. The 'Gradebook' and 'SIS Server' text boxes on the lower part of the form show detailed information about that selected student. If neither the gradebook or SIS information is correct, the user edits the information one of the textboxes.

Figure Showing Conflicts.

The Fix Roster dialog shows any of three possible conflicts:
  1. instructor has a student not on SIS roster (e.g., auditing or continuing ed student)
  2. SIS has a student not on instructor roster (e.g., an late adder, or one that the instructor thought had dropped)
  3. there is a difference between the same student on SIS and instructor rosters, where the same Empl ID defines the student.
Margaret Thurber represents a conflict of type 'a'. She is in the instructor gradebook but does not exist on SIS.Robert Engle represents a conflict of type 'b'. He is on SIS but does not exist in the instructor gradebook. Ora Darden represents a conflict of type 'c'. She is in both the instructor gradebook and SIS but the information differs between the two.

After the user fixes the conflicts, the user clicks 'OK'.

Figure Fixing Conflicts.

After the Grader finishes syncing it will display the Figure

Figure Roster Sync Success.

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