2.4.8 Adding a Student Manually

Component Inspector Date Status Remarks
2.4.8 TLC 7Dec09 DONE  
2.4.8P1 TLC 7Dec09 DONE  
2.4.8P2 TLC 7Dec09 FIX prose
"will receive" -> "receives"
2.4.8P3 TLC 7Dec09 FIX Prose, Active voice ("late penalty is calculated" needs to be active voice)
2.4.8P4 TLC 7Dec09 FIX Prose, Active voice
2.4.8P5 TLC 7Dec09 DONE
2.4.8I1 TLC 7Dec09 DONE  
2.4.8P6 TLC 7Dec09 FIX Prose, Active voice ("assignment is determined" -> active voice)
2.4.8P7 TLC 7Dec09 FIX Prose, Active voice (same)
2.4.8P8 TLC 7Dec09 FIX Prose, Active voice (same)
2.4.8P8 TLC 7Dec09 FIX Prose, Active voice (same and "score is set" -> active voice)
2.4.8I2 TLC 7Dec09 DONE  
2.4.8P3 TLC 7Dec09 DONE
2.4.8P4 TLC 7Dec09 DONE  
2.4.8I3 TLC 7Dec09 DONE  
2.4.8P5 TLC 7Dec09 DONE
2.4.8I4 TLC 7Dec09 DONE  
2.4.8A1 TLC 7Dec09 DONE  
2.4.8A2 TLC 7Dec09 DONE  
2.4.8A3 TLC 7Dec09 DONE