2.4.1 Adding a Category

Component Inspector Date Status Remarks
2.4.1 IS 23oct09 DONE  
2.4.1P1 IS 23oct09 FIX no comma after gradebook (95% confidence)
may is unnecessary, the user clicks
The program or the grader, not the system
present active voice (is opened, will behavior)
2.4.1I1 IS 23oct09 DONE  
2.4.1P2 IS 23oct09 FIX present active voice (is opened, may be pressed)
2.4.1I2 IS 23oct09 DONE  
2.4.1P3 IS 23oct09 FIX present active voice (must be filled, can be completed)
2.4.1P4 IS 23oct09 FIX arbitrary limits, customer dislikes.
2.4.1P5 IS 23oct09 FIX arbitrary limits, customer dislikes.
2.4.1P6 IS 23oct09 FIX Active voice (is selected, is enabled, is selected, will be graded, ...(if the user selects then ....))
link to section 2.4.7)
2.4.1P7 IS 23oct09 FIX Active voice (is checked, are enabled, are disabled, ...(if the user checks then ....))
use to br tags or indent to show the new paragarph after disabled.
avoid pronouns, they were late... -> the student turns in an ....
2.4.1I3 IS 23oct09 DONE  
2.4.1P8 IS 23oct09 FIX active, present tense (has been entered)
2.4.1P9 IS 23oct09 FIX user may click -> user clicks
will disappear -> disappears
wihout -> without
2.4.1P10 IS 23oct09 FIX use active, present tense (are added, may have)
2.4.1I4 IS 23oct09 FIX Added isn't needed, remove (in caption)
2.4.1P11 IS 23oct09 FIX active, present tense please, (are entered, must be adjusted...)
2.4.1A1 IS 23oct09 DONE  
2.4.1A2 IS 23oct09 DONE  
2.4.1A3 IS 23oct09 DONE  
2.4.1A4 IS 23oct09 DONE