2.1.1 Instructor User Interface Overview

Component Inspector Date Status Remarks
2.1.1 JW 6Nov09 FIX Numbering error: 2.1 -> 2.1.1
2.1.1P1 JW 6Nov09 FIX Numbering error: Figure 2.1.1 -> Figure
2.1.1I1 JW 6Nov09 FIX

Rather large, please resize to a smaller size more consistent with other images.
Inner window may want to be "maximized" or bigger.
Figure number incorrect.

2.1.1P2 JW 6Nov09 FIX sp: desplay -> display word choice: form -> window (throughout paragraph)
no comma : gradebook, if -> gradebook if
spelling error: non-exist -> none exist.
2.1.1P3 JW 6Nov09 FIX numbering error: should be figure,
spelling error: exspansion -> expansion.
2.1.1I2 JW 6Nov09 FIX numbering error: should be figure
Name Change: Grading Range -> Grading Scheme.
2.1.1P4 JW 6Nov09 FIX use tt tag for commands inside quotes like 'File New'.
'File New' opens a ...-> 'File New' opens a new...
contains useful commands for use with ... remove useful, unneeded word.
replace user with instructor, it is an instructor overview
... managing the windows in the tool. Remove in the tool, end sentence at the word windows.
Name Change: Grading Range -> Grading Scheme
grammar error future tense: After that will be -> after that is.
grammar error past tense: all opened windows -> all open windows.
redundant: help menu contains commands .... to obtain help. perhaps to view documentation, or event view help files.
2.1.1A1 JW 6Nov09 DONE  
2.1.1A2 JW 6Nov09 DONE  
2.1.1A3 JW 6Nov09 DONE  
2.1.1footer JW 6Nov09 FIX NONE -> none