2.2 Basic Gradebook Setup

Component Inspector Date Status Remarks
2.2 KS 13Nov09 DONE  
2.2P1 KS 13Nov09 DONE  
2.2P2 KS 13Nov09 FIX all classes import into seperate gradebooks... all classes import according to defaults defined in the to tools->options dialog. (correct?) 
2.2I1 KS 13Nov09 FIX
create unchecked import defaults image
2.2P3 KS 13Nov09 FIX remove comma after "Import Defaults
try to avoid using 'he or she'
use tt tag instead of quotes
remove comma after "CSC101" class
use present tense and active voice
2.2P4 KS 13Nov09 DONE  
2.2I2 KS 13Nov09 DONE
2.2P5 KS 13Nov09 DONE   list of those classes (if any)....remove 'those'
2.2I3 KS 13Nov09 DONE
2.2P6 KS 13Nov09 DONE  
2.2A1 KS 13Nov09 DONE  
2.2A2 KS 13Nov09 DONE  
2.2A3 KS 13Nov09 DONE  
2.2I4 KS 13Nov09 DONE
2.2P7 KS 29oct09 DONE  
2.2A4 KS 13Nov09 DONE  
2.2I5 KS 13Nov09 DONE  
2.2P8 KS 13Nov09 FIX remove comma after 'to the gradebook'
use <tt> instead of quotes for "New Category"
2.2I6 KS 13Nov09 FIX   miss numbered figure. should be 2.2.6 not 5 Adding a New Category
2.2P9 KS 13Nov09 DONE  
2.2I7 KS 13Nov09 DONE  
2.2P10 KS 13Nov09 FIX "New Item" -> "New Graded Item"
2.2I8 KS 13Nov09 DONE  
2.2A5 KS 13Nov09 DONE  
2.2A6 KS 13Nov09 DONE  
2.2A7 KS 13Nov09 DONE  
2.2A8 KS 13Nov09 DONE