2.4.5 Entering Scores

Component Inspector Date Status Remarks
2.4.5 KS 13Nov09 DONE
2.4.5P1 KS 13Nov09 FIX check prose: use present tense and active voice
2.4.5A1 KS 13Nov09 DONE  
2.4.5P2 KS 13Nov09 FIX insert period after 'the end is a user option'
2.4.5I1 KS 13Nov09 FIX   make sure to grab visio with new label for 'Non-blanks'
2.4.5P3 KS 13Nov09 DONE
2.4.5P4 KS 13Nov09 DONE
2.4.5P5 KS 13Nov09 DONE  
2.4.5I2 KS 13Nov09 DONE
2.4.5P6 KS 13Nov09 FIX prose: avoid passive voice and past tense
2.4.5A2 KS 13Nov09 DONE
2.4.5A3 KS 13Nov09 DONE
2.4.5A4 KS 13Nov09 DONE
2.4.5A5 KS 13Nov09 DONE
2.4.5A6 KS 13Nov09 DONE