2.4.7 Grading Schemes

Component Inspector Date Status Remarks
2.4.7 KS 13Nov09 FIX needs period after 2.4.7. 
2.4.7P1 KS 13Nov09 DONE
2.4.7I1 KS 13Nov09 DONE
2.4.7P2 KS 13Nov09 FIX

check prose
teacher -> instructor - to better follow usage in the rest of the documentation. (replace through out file)

2.4.7P3 KS 13Nov09 DONE
2.4.7I2 KS 13Nov09 DONE  
2.4.7P4 KS 13Nov09 DONE
2.4.7P5 KS 13Nov09 DONE
2.4.7I3 KS 13Nov09 DONE  
2.4.7P6 KS 13Nov09 DONE
2.4.7I4 KS 13Nov09 DONE  
2.4.7P7 KS 13Nov09 FIX existiing -> existing
2.4.7I5 KS 13Nov09 DONE  
2.4.7A1 KS 13Nov09 DONE  
2.4.7A2 KS 13Nov09 DONE
2.4.7A3 KS 13Nov09 DONE