2.4.3 Modifying Category and Item Weights

Component Inspector Date Status Remarks
2.4.3 KS 13Nov09 DONE  
2.4.3P1 KS 13Nov09 DONE
2.4.3A1 KS 13Nov09 DONE  
2.4.3A2 KS 13Nov09 DONE  
2.4.3I1 KS 13Nov09 DONE  
2.4.3P2 KS 13Nov09 FIX passive voice
2.4.3I2 KS 13Nov09 DONE  
2.4.3P3 KS 13Nov09 FIX comma: red, and the save
2.4.3I3 KS 13Nov09 DONE
2.4.3P4 KS 13Nov09 DONE
2.4.3A1 KS 13Nov09 DONE  
2.4.3A2 KS 13Nov09 DONE  
2.4.3A3 KS 13Nov09 DONE  
2.4.3A4 KS 13Nov09 DONE