2.7.2 Predicting Grades

Component Inspector Date Status Remarks
2.7.2 KS 13Nov09 DONE
2.7.2P1 KS 13Nov09 DONE
2.7.2I1 KS 13Nov09 FIX fix image size in <a> tag to display the image at full size
2.7.2P2 KS 13Nov09 DONE
2.7.2I2 KS 13Nov09 FIX fix image size in <a> tag to display the image at full size
2.7.2P3 KS 13Nov09 FIX passive voice-> are show in red
2.7.2I3 KS 13Nov09 FIX fix image size in <a> tag to display the image at full size
2.7.2P4 KS 13Nov09 DONE
2.7.2I4 KS 13Nov09 FIX fix image size in <a> tag to display the image at full size
2.7.2P5 KS 13Nov09 DONE  
2.7.2I5 KS 13Nov09 FIX fix image size in <a> tag to display the image at full size
2.7.2P6 KS 13Nov09 DONE  
2.7.2A1 KS 13Nov09 DONE  
2.7.2A2 KS 13Nov09 DONE  
2.7.2A3 KS 13Nov09 DONE  
2.7.2A4 KS 13Nov09 DONE