README: All the files are already compiled in a .jar file. The only command that needs to be run is the TheGraderApp.jar with the command "java -jar TheGraderApp.jar" The student section of the prototype can be found in students_web. The login page is at index.html and the rest of the prototype can be accessed from there once you have logged in with the provided username and password and selected 308 as the class. Team Member Actions ====================================================================== Victor Chang Select 'Class' in the menubar Select 'Add Categories' in the dropdown (1) Select 'Class' in the menubar Select 'Update' in the dropdown (2) Press 'OK' in the Update dialog (3) Select 'Class' in the menubar Select 'Upload' in the dropdown Select 'To Department' in the breakout (4) Select 'To SIS' in the breakout (5) Cindy Cheng Select 'Class' in the menubar Select 'Add New Student' in the dropdown (1) Select 'View' in the menubar Select 'Column Filters' in the dropdown (2) Select 'View' in the menubar Select 'Statistics' in the dropdown (3) Jordan Gasch Select 'View' in the menubar Select 'Pie Chart' in the dropdown Select 'View' in the menubar Select 'Bar Graph' in the dropdown Select 'View' in the menubar Select 'Histogram' in the dropdown Ben Hirsch All of Student Prototype: Login Select Class What If Personal Gradesheet Other students' gradesheet Electronic Turnin Mike Soldner Overall UI of both the TA and the main grader app as well as integrating everyones part into the UIs Select 'File' in the menubar Select 'New Class' in the dropdown (1) Marc Zych Select 'Class' in the menubar Select 'Add Graded Item' in the dropdown (1) Select 'Class' in the menubar Select 'Final Grade Distribution' in the dropdown (2) Select 'Class' in the menubar Select 'Set Weights' in the dropdown (3) Press 'Add Category' in the dialog (4) Select 'Edit' in the menubar Select 'Grading Schemes' in the dropdown (5) Note: Limited functionality is provided to add/delete schemes