2.10. Details of Error Conditions

Generic Error Screens

The following images are generic error screens that are used by the error messages below.

error window

Error Window 1

2.2.1 Manually Adding a Class

If a Class number is already created. "Class already exists (matching Class #)"

2.2.2 Adding a Class via SIS

If the user enters an incorrect username/password combination "Login failed, incorrect username or password"

2.3.1 Mid-Term Roster Synchronization

If the Grader is unable to download the roster from SIS "Unable to download roster from SIS"

2.3.2 Adding Students Manually

If a student is added who is already in the gradebook "Student already exists (matching EMPL ID")

This section describes error conditions that may occur during use of the Grader.

2.1 The Overall UI

The following error conditions use Error Window 1 to display the error messages..

If a symbol is entered in the spreadsheet when a number is expected: "Cell requires a number."

If a number (that is not used as a symbol) is entered in the spreadsheet when a symbol is expected: "Cell requires a predefined symbol."

If number is entered that is out of the range for that graded item: "Value entered exceeds the range for this graded item."

2.2.1 Manually Adding a Class

If the Class # entered already exists: "Class # [number] already exists."

If the input for Year is not a 4-digit number: "The year is invalid."

2.2.2 Adding a Class via SIS

If the server URL is bad: "Unable to access the server."

If the login fails: "Login failed, incorrect username or password."

2.2.4 Setting Final Grade Distribution

The following error conditions use Error Window 1 to display the error messages..

If the same symbol is entered twice: "Duplicate symbol entered."

If the same lower bound is entered twice: "Duplicate lower bound entered."

If there is not a corresponding percentage entered for a symbol: "No corresponding percentage for entered symbol."

If there is not a corresponding symbol entered for a percentage: "No corresponding symbol for entered percentage."

2.2.6 Upload to SIS

If the server URL is bad: "Unable to access the server."

If the login fails: "Login failed, incorrect username or password."

2.2.7 Upload to Server

If the server URL is bad: "Unable to access the server."

If the login fails: "Login failed, incorrect username or password."

2.3.1 Roster Synchronization

If roster is not received from SIS: "Unable to download roster from SIS."

2.3.2 Adding Students Manually

If the EMPL ID entered already exists: "EMPL ID [EMPL ID] already exists."

If the Phone # entered is not a valid phone number: "The phone # is invalid."

If the E-Mail address is not in the format *@*.*: "The e-mail address is invalid"

2.3.3 Modifying Students

If the Phone # entered is not a valid phone number: "The phone # is invalid."

If the E-Mail address is not in the format *@*.*: "The e-mail address is invalid"

2.4.1 Adding a Graded Item

The following error conditions use Error Window 1 to display the error messages..

If the name field is empty: "Name field is empty."

If the category field is not selected: "No category selected."

If the format of the Due Date field is incorrect: "Incorrect date format."

If Max Points is negative: "Max Points is negative."

If Max Points is not an integer: "Incorrect format of Max Points field."

2.4.4 Grading Schemes

The following error conditions use Error Window 1 to display the error messages..

If Scheme Name is the same as another grading scheme: "Duplicate grading scheme name."

If the same symbol is entered twice:: "Duplicate symbol entered."

If there is not a corresponding percentage entered for a symbol: "No corresponding percentage for entered symbol."

If there is not a corresponding symbol entered for a percentage: "No corresponding symbol for entered percentage."

2.5 Viewing Details

No Errors

2.6 Graphs

No Errors

2.7.1 Student Login

If the student enters an incorrect username/password combination: "Login screen: If username/password not found, it says "Username/Password not recognized!"

2.7.2 Accessing Gradebooks

If the student selects a class with no gradebook: "No Class Info Available!"

2.7.4 Predicting Grades

If the graded item isn't filled in or the point total doesn't match: "X must be an integer between 0 and XX points"

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