5.9. Reporting.rsl

 * Module ScheduleReporting defines the Reporting of Schedule Performance

module ScheduleReporting;

  from InstructorModule import InstructorDB;
  from ScheduleModule import Schedule;
  export Statistic;

object ScheduleReportView is
   components: reportStats:Statistic*;
   description: (*
	A view of the report for the schedule. New views can
	be created by inheriting from this object. One sample
	view is described in the Functional Requirements
	document for the Scheduler system.
end ScheduleReportView;

object Statistic is
   components: statName:string, statValue:string;
   description: (*
	Describes one single statistic used in a report. Contains
	a Name-Value pair in string format (since not all
	statistics are numeric).
end Statistic;

operation GenerateScheduleReport is
   inputs: sch:Schedule, idb:InstructorDB;
   outputs: spv:ScheduleReportView;
   description: (*
	Generates a ScheduleReportView object that will allow
	the system administrator to view the schedule statistics.
	Gathers information, mainly about instructors and their
	assignments in the schedule, to produce this report from
	the databases.
end GenerateScheduleReport;

end ScheduleReporting;

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