5.5. Room.rsl

module RoomModule;
from ScheduleModule import Schedule;
export Room;

object RoomDB is
	components: Room*;
	operations: addRoom, changeRoom, removeRoom;
	description: (*
		The RoomDB is the repository of Rooms
end RoomDB;

object Room is 
		build:Building and rnum:RoomNumber and capacity:Capacity and rtime:RoomTime and enhance:Enhancements;
	description: (*
		A Room contains information about a particular room including its 
		location, capacity and times when its availiable as well as what is
		in the room.
end Room;
object Building is integer;
object RoomNumber is integer;
object Capacity is integer;

object Enhancements is 
		lab:Lab and Mult:Multimedia and os:OS and db:Database and ai:AI and net:Networks and oth:Other;
	description: (*
		Enhancements are a collection of Hardware and software in the rooms
end Enhancement;

object Lab is boolean;
object Multimedia is boolean;
object OS is boolean;
object Database is boolean;
object AI is boolean;
object Networks is boolean;

object Other is
		chk:check and txt:text;
	description: (*
		other is a check box that allows the user to enter add things not in the list
end Other;
object check is boolean;
object text is string;

object RoomTime is
      	components: rday:RoomDay and rtime:RoomTimes and rchoice:RoomChoice;
      	description: (*
         A TimePref is a rating of a time, Choice, for a given Time and Day.
end RoomTime;

object RoomDay is 
		Mon or Tues or Wed or Thurs or Fri or Sat or Sun;
	description: (*
		      Days of the week
end RoomDay;

object Mon;
object Tues;
object Wed;
object Thurs;
object Fri;
object Sat;
object Sun;

object RoomTimes is string;
object RoomChoice is boolean;	

operation AddRoom is 
	inputs: r:Room, rdb:RoomDB;
	outputs: rdb':RoomDB;
	precondition:  (*
			* There is no Room with the same Room Number and Building Number 
			* as the room to be added
			(not (exists (r' in rdb)((r'.build = r.build) and (r'.rnum = r.rnum))))
			* The Building is not nil and 2 chars long
			(r.build != nil)


			* The room number is not nill and is 3 chars long
			(r.rnum != nil);
	postcondition: (*
			* The given Course is in the output CourseDB iff it is the new one or was 
			* already in the CourseDB
			* )
				(r' in rdb') iff ((r' = r) or (r' in rdb));
	description: (*
		AddRoom adds the particular Room to the Room database, 
		producing an updated Room database
end AddRoom;
operation ChangeRoom is
	inputs: newr:Room, oldr:Room, rdb:RoomDB;
	outputs: rdb':RoomDB;
	precondition:  (*
			* The old and new Courses are not the same
			(oldr != newr)

			* The old Course is in the CourseDB
			(oldr in rdb)


			* Ther is no Course with the same Dept and Course # 
			* as the new Course

			(not (exists (newr' in rdb)((newr'.build = newr.build) and (newr'.rnum = newr.rnum))))
			* The Building is not nil
			(newr.build != nil)


			* The room number is not nill
			(newr.rnum != nil); 
	postcondition: (* 
			* A Course is in the output db iff it is the new record to be added
			* or it was already there and not the same as the old Course
			forall (r' in rdb')
				(r' in rdb') iff (((r' = newr) or (r' in rdb)) and 
							(r' != oldr));	
	description: (*
		Change a room that is already in the database
end ChangeRoom;

operation RemoveRoom is 
	inputs: r:Room, rdb:RoomDB;
	outputs: rdb':RoomDB;
	precondition:  (*
			* The Course is in the Database
			(r in rdb);
	postcondition: (*
			* A Course is in output DB only if it is not the input Course 
			* and if it in the input DB
			(forall (r':Room)
				(r' in rdb') iff ((r' != r) and (r' in rdb)));
	description: (*
		RemoveRoom removes the particular Room to the Room database, 
		producing an updated Room database
end RemoveRoom;

object LocalRoom inherits from Room
		RoomUsed and RoomSchedule;
	description: (*
		A LocalRoom is a room in the local dbase is all the things the room is and if it is being used.
end LocalRoom;

object RoomUsed is boolean;
object RoomSchedule inherits from Schedule;

module RoomModule;

export RoomDB;
export Room;
export Capacity;

object RoomDB is	
	components: Room*;	
	operations: addRoom, changeRoom, removeRoom;	
	description: (*			
		The RoomDB is the repository of Rooms	
end RoomDB;

object Room is 	
		Building and RoomNumber and capac:Capacity and RoomTime and Enhancements;		description: (*		
		A Room contains information about a particular room including its 						location, capacity and times when its availiable as well as what is						in the room.	
end Room;
object Building is integer;
object RoomNumber is integer;
object Capacity is integer;

object Enhancements is 	
		Lab and Multimedia and OS and Database and AI and Networks and Other;			description: (*		
		Enhancements are a collection of Hardware and software in the rooms		*);
end Enhancement;

object Lab is boolean;
object Multimedia is boolean;
object OS is boolean;
object Database is boolean;
object AI is boolean;
object Networks is boolean;

object Other is	
		check and text;	
	description: (*		
		other is a check box that allows the user to enter add things not in the list	
end Other;

object check is boolean;
object text is string;

object RoomTime is      	
		RoomDay and RoomTimes and RoomChoice;      	
	description: (*         
		A TimePref is a rating of a time, Choice, for a given Time and Day.      		*);
end RoomTime;

object RoomDay is string;
object RoomTimes is string;
object RoomChoice is boolean;	

operation AddRoom is 	
	inputs: Room, RoomDB;	
	outputs: RoomDB;	
	description: (*				AddRoom adds the particular Room to the Room database, 		
		producing an updated Room database	
end AddRoom;

operation RemoveRoom is 	
	inputs: Room, RoomDB;	
	outputs: RoomDB;	
	description: (*		
		RemoveRoom removes the particular Room to the Room database, 				producing an updated Room database	
end RemoveRoom;

object LocalRoom inherits from Room 	
		RoomUsed;		description: (*		
		A LocalRoom is all the things the room is and if it is being used.		*);
end LocalRoom;

object RoomUsed is boolean;

end RoomModule;

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