Week 6 Inspection
Inspector: Enyi Ho
Section | Status | Comments |
Index.H | FIX | Change date to current date. |
Index.H | FIX | The link 'List of figures' at bottom of page is broken. |
Index.A Section1 | DONE | |
Index.A Section2.1 | DONE | The page linked by 2.1.2 Instructor Overview has the title Faculty Overview. Should we change them to the same name? |
Index.A Section2.2 | FIX | 2.2. CreateEditProject.html does not exist |
Index.A Section2.3 | DONE | |
Index.A Section2.4 | FIX | Section 2.4.3, 2.4.3.X., 2.4.3, and 2.4.4 don't exist |
Index.A Section2.5 | FIX | Section 2.5 doesn't exist |
Index.A Section2.6 | DONE | |
Index.A Section2.7 | FIX | Section 2.7 doesn't exist |
Index.A Section3 Section4 Section5 and Section5.X | FIX | Section 3, 4, 5, 5.1, and 5.2 do not exist |
1.H | DONE | |
1.P1 | DONE | |
1.1.H | DONE | |
1.1.P1 | DONE | |
1.1.P2 | DONE | |
1.2.H | DONE | |
1.2.P1 | DONE | |
1.2.P2 | DONE | |
1.3.H | DONE | |
1.3.P1 | DONE | |
1.3.P2 | DONE | |
1.4.H | DONE | |
1.4.P1 | DONE | |
1.4.P2 | DONE | |
1.4.P3 | DONE | |
1.5.H | DONE | |
1.5.A1 | DONE | |
1.5.A2 | DONE | |
1.5.P1 | DONE | |
1.5.P2 | DONE | |
1.5.P3 | DONE | |
1.A1 | DONE | |
1.A2 | DONE | |
1.A3 | DONE | |
2.H | DONE | |
2.P1 | DONE | |
2.P2 | DONE | |
2.A1 | DONE | |
2.A2 | DONE | Link is waiting on page to be provided |
2.A3 | DONE | |
2.A4 | DONE | |
2.A5 | DONE | Link is waiting on page to be provided |
2.A6 | DONE | |
2.A7 | DONE | Link is waiting on page to be provided |
2.A Prev | DONE | |
2.A Next | DONE | Link is waiting on page to be provided |
2.A Up | DONE | |
2.A Top | DONE | |
2.1.H | DONE | |
2.1.P1 | DONE | |
2.1.A1 | DONE | |
2.1.A2 | DONE | |
2.1.A3 | DONE | |
2.1.A prev | DONE | |
2.1.A next | DONE | |
2.1.A Up | DONE | |
2.1.A Index | DONE | |
2.1.1.H | DONE | |
2.1.1.P1 | DONE | |
2.1.1.I Figure1 | DONE | |
2.1.1.P2 | DONE | |
2.1.1.P3 | DONE | |
2.1.1.I Figure 2 | DONE | |
2.1.1.A prev | DONE | |
2.1.1.A next | DONE | |
2.1.1.A up | DONE | |
2.1.1.A index | DONE | |
2.1.2.H | DONE | |
2.1.2.P1 | FIX | all menu name are missing ending single quote |
2.1.1.A prev | DONE | |
2.1.1.A next | DONE | |
2.1.1.A up | DONE | |
2.1.1.A index | DONE | |
2.1.2.H | DONE | |
2.1.2.P1 | FIX | Instructor is misspelled in "'Select Instuctor" |
2.1.2.A prev | DONE | |
2.1.2.A next | DONE | |
2.1.2.A up | DONE | |
2.1.2.A index | DONE | |
2.1.3.H | DONE | |
2.1.3.P1 | FIX | Sen1 pressed s/b clicks Sen 2remove "Then, " "or student statistics, or" remove 1st or (to many or's in this sentence) this is not a walkthrough |
2.1.3.P2 | FIX | this is not a walkthrough |
2.1.3.P3 | FIX | this is not a walkthrough |
2.1.3.P4 | FIX | this is not a walkthrough |
2.1.3.P5 | FIX | this is not a walkthrough |
2.1.3.A prev | FIX | Faculty Overview not instructor UI |
2.1.3.A next | DONE | |
2.1.3.A up | DONE | |
2.1.3.A index | DONE | |
2.2. | FIX | 2.2. CreateEditProject.html is not present |
2.2.1 H1 | DONE | |
2.2.1.P1 | FIX | Sent1: Bad plural usage; Re-word rest of paragraph | | FIX | Can we rename "Create Schedule Wizard"? It doesn't sound very good. And how come there's only one section? This is missing a second section on how to create without the wizard. | | FIX | Where are the figure numbers? Don't say "self-explanantory", say nothing. | I1 figure1 | FIX | No title or figure number. left justify the window title | | FIX | Please introduce the window you are discribing. can you manully type in the year and quarter field? or must the user use the pull down? please mention the pull-downs | figure 2 | FIX | No title or figure number. left justify the window title winter s/b Winter | | FIX | Sent1: Missing "a"; Figure numbers missing; Capitalize button names; | | FIX | Sent1: Missing "the"; Sent3: "detailed", not "detail"; mention breifly what the browse button does. | figure 3 | FIX | No title or figure number. left justify the window title | | FIX | Introduce the next window what's it for. Apparently copied from P4, re-word this and fix P4 mistakes | figure 4 | FIX | No title or figure number. left justify the window title | | FIX | see P5 | figure 5 | FIX | No title or figure number. left justify the window title |
2.1.1.A prev | DONE | |
2.1.1.A next | FIX | Rename and wrong link |
2.1.1.A up | FIX | Rename and wrong link |
2.1.1.A index | DONE | |
2.2.2.H | FIX | wrong size |
2.2.2.P1 | FIX | needs all prose this is just a shell for link purposes |
2.2.2.A prev | FIX | Font Size |
2.2.2.A next | FIX | Font Size |
2.2.2.A up | FIX | See above |
2.2.2.A index | FIX | See above |
2.3.H | DONE | |
2.3.P1 | DONE | |
2.3.1.H | DONE | |
2.3.1.P1 | DONE | |
2.3.2.H | DONE | |
2.3.2.I1 Figure 1 | DONE | |
2.3.2.I2 Figure 2 | DONE | |
2.3.2.P1 | DONE | |
2.3.2.P2 | DONE | |
2.3.2P3 | DONE | |
2.3.2.I3 Figure 3 | DONE | |
2.3.2 Figure4 | DONE | |
2.3.2 Figure 5 | FIX | Figure is missing. |
2.3.3.H | DONE | |
2.3.3.I1 figure 4 | DONE | |
2.3.3.P1 | FIX | discribe the dialog box |
2.3.4.H | DONE | |
2.3.4.P1 | DONE | |
2.3.4.I1 figure 5 | DONE | |
2.3.4.P2 | DONE | |
2.3.4.P3 | FIX | describe the dialog box |
2.3.4.P5 | FIX | The formulas are very hard to follow can we skip this or be more vague. can the administrator adjust these formulas (I m thinking project options) which would be a better place to do these calculations. |
2.3.4.A1 | FIX | broken link |
2.3.4.A2 | FIX | broken link |
2.3.4..A prev | DONE | |
2.3.4.A next | DONE | |
2.3.4.A up | FIX | broken link |
2.3.4.A index | DONE | |
2.4.H | DONE | |
2.4.P1 | DONE | |
2.4.P2 | DONE | |
2.4.P3 | DONE | |
2.4.A1 | DONE | |
2.4.A2 | DONE | |
2.4.A3 | DONE | Link is waiting for the page to be provided |
2.4.A4 | DONE | Link is waiting for the page to be provided |
2.4.A prev | DONE | |
2.4.A next | FIX | Link is waiting or the page to be provided |
2.4.A up | DONE | |
2.4.A index | DONE | |
2.4.1.H | DONE | |
2.4.1.P1 | DONE | | | DONE | | | DONE | |
2.4.A1 | DONE | |
2.4.A2 | DONE | | | DONE | | | FIX | Laboratory misspelled in LB2. | figure 1 | DONE | | | DONE | | | DONE | |
2.4.A3 | DONE | | | DONE | | figure 2 | DONE | | | DONE | | | DONE | | figure 3 | DONE | | | DONE | | | DONE | | figure 4 | DONE | | | DONE | | figure 5 | DONE | | | DONE | | figure 6 | DONE | | | DONE | | | DONE | | figure 7 | DONE | | | DONE | | | DONE | | | DONE | Sent2:"Manually" is misspelled | | DONE | | figure 8 | DONE | | | FIX | Sent 4: "Alter" is misspelled Sent5: "Schedule" is misspelled | | DONE | | figure 9 | DONE | |
2.4.A prev | DONE | |
2.4.A next | DONE | |
2.4.A up | FIX | name to long |
2.4.A index | DONE | |
2.4.2.H | Fix | font size |
2.4.2.P1 | FIX | needs text |
2.4.2.A prev | DONE | |
2.4.2.A next | DONE | link waiting for a page to be provided |
2.4.2.A up | DONE | |
2.4.2.A index | DONE | |
2.4.3. and 2.4.3.x | FIX | seciton missing |
2.4.4. | FIX | seciton missing |
2.5 | FIX | seciton missing |
2.5.1.H | DONE | |
2.5.1.P1 | DONE | |
2.5.1.I1 figure 1 | FIX | Picture broken |
2.5.1.P2 | DONE | |
2.5.1.A1 | FIX | change name s/b words not numbers | | DONE | | | DONE | | figure2 | DONE | | | DONE | | | DONE | | | DONE | | | FIX | links in prose s/b words not numbers | | DONE | | A prev | DONE | | next | DONE | | up | DONE | link waiting for a page to be provided | index | DONE | |
2.5.2.H | DONE | |
2.5.2.P1 | DONE | |
2.5.2.I1 figure 1 | DONE | |
2.5.2.P2 | DONE | |
2.5.2.I2 figure 2 | DONE | |
2.5.2.P3 | DONE |   |
2.5.2.I3 figure 3 | DONE | |
2.5.2.P4 | DONE | |
2.5.2.I4 figure 4 | DONE | |
2.5.2.P5 | DONE | |
2.5.2.I5 figure 5 | DONE | |
2.5.2.A prev | FIX | broken link |
2.5.2.A next | DONE | |
2.5.2.A up | DONE | link waiting for a page to be provided |
2.5.2.A index | DONE | |
2.5.3.H | DONE | |
2.5.3.P1 | DONE | |
2.5.3.I1 figure 1 | DONE | |
2.5.3.P2 | FIX | Sentence structure and wordiness. |
2.5.3.I2 figure 2 | DONE | |
2.5.3.P3 | DONE | |
2.5.3.I3 figure 3 | DONE | |
2.5.3.I4 figure 4 | DONE | |
2.5.3.P4 | FIX | Sent2: "indicates the" is repeated and change comma at the end of sentence to period |
2.5.3..A prev | DONE | |
2.5.3.A next | DONE | |
2.5.3.A up | DONE | link waiting for a page to be provided |
2.5.3.A index | DONE | |
2.6.H | DONE | |
2.6.P1 | FIX | need a picture of login dialog |
2.6.1.H | DONE | |
2.6.1.P1 | FIX | Where does logging in happen? might small section can we combine it with 2.6. |
2.6.2.H | DONE | |
2.6.2.P1 | FIX | Needs more descriptions on each field in Figure1 |
2.6.2.I1 figure 1 | DONE | |
2.6.2.I2 figure 2 | FIX | to big reduce the size |
2.6.2.P2 | DONE | |
2.6.2.I3 figure 3 | DONE | |
2.6.3.H | DONE | |
2.6.3.P1 | DONE | |
2.6.3I4 Figure 4 | DONE | |
2.6.3A1 prev | DONE | Link waiting for page to be provided |
2.6.3A2 next | DONE | Link waiting for page to be provided |
2.6.3A3 Up | DONE | |
2.6.3A4 index | DONE | |
2.7.H | FIX | document not provided |
3. | FIX | document not provided |
4. | FIX | document not provided |
5. | FIX | Need a page for this link. |
5.1 | FIX | Need a page for this link. |
5.2 | FIX | Need a page for this link. |
5.3 | DONE | |
5.4 | DONE | |
5.5 | DONE | |
5.6 | DONE |