3.1 System Performance

3.1.1 Instantaneous commands

All File and Edit commands should be instantaneous.  Other commands that should act instantaneous would be operations that change the databases and constraints.  From the Schedule menu in the admin UI, the new, pause and resume should react instantly.  All the operations in the teacher and student UI’s should act instantly as well.   

3.1.2 Computational commands

Commands that view the schedule or make alterations to it (like fine tuning), should complete on the order of seconds.

 Quick generate, which makes one schedule should also be on the order of seconds, but may take longer than the previous commands.

Generate Schedule, the command that makes multiple schedules, should take on the order of hours to complete, but with the speeds of computers, it is likely that it could run on the order of minutes.

 3.1.3 Maximum Size

The maximum number of elements for each data type is as follows:

# of rooms - 300
# of teachers - 200
# of courses - 600
# of  “Class Assignments” -  1500
# of student comments - 4000

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