2.3.1 Fine Tune Walkthrough

This scenario shows an administrator Fine Tuning a schedule, by reassigning a class.  Schedule editing is an important task of the Scheduler Tool.  In this scenario, we assume the administrator has already generated a schedule or has one open.  Details in generating schedules are covered in Section 2.2.2, and details about creating a schedule are in Section 2.2.1.


To reassign a class, the user clicks Scedule > Fine Tune > Assign/Unassign a Class, from the menu bar.  The program Will then show an input box, as seen in figure 


The user chooses the class to edit with the drop down box, and then types the section number in the text box beside it.  Then the user clicks the OK button to continue.  This brings up the next input box, showing the teacher, and the times. Shown in figure


The teacher is editable via drop down box. To make it unassigned, choose "staff" as the teacher.

The Time can be changed by typing in a new start time.  The end time will be adjusted automatically.

After editing the class, the user may press OK to accept the changes, or Cancel to keep the class assignments unchanged.
If the user selects to accept the changes, the program then does a check to make sure that no constraints were violated.  If a major constraint was violated, a dialog will appear explaining what constraint was broken.(Figure  From there, the user can Go Back, and alter the fine tuning again, or Cancel Changes to revert to how it was before.  If a lesser constraint was violated, a similar dialog will appear, explaining the constraint violation and the possible change in “fairness” value.  The user will again have the prior two options (Go Back, and Cancel Changes), but will also have a choice of Continuing anyways.(Figure  By Continuing, the user states that s/he is aware of his actions, and still wishes to make the change. 

More information on constraints is in Section 2.3.2.


The user can’t continue if it would violate a major constraint.  The user can only make changes that create a viable schedule.


The above figure(24) would be a screen seen by the user after making a 2 hour time shift to a teacher’s class.  The 2 hour difference from the rated time means that the teacher’s fairness rating would drop 2 points, down to 12 (assuming its their only class, and had 14 points prior to the change).  On this sample schedule there were only 4 teachers, so the effect on the schedule’s fairness rating was only 0.5 points decrease.


In this next scenario, the user has a teacher with two consecutive classes located on opposite sides of campus.  So the user decides to manually change the classroom to one, more conveniently located.  To reassign a classroom, the user clicks Schedule > Fine Tune > Alter a room assignment, from the menu bar.  The program will then show an input box, as seen in figure


 The user chooses the class to edit with the drop down box, and then types the section number in the text box beside it.  Then the user clicks the OK button to continue.  This brings up the next input box, showing the building and room #. Shown in figure


Both the building and room are able to be choose via a drop down box.  Choose TBA to leave the room unassigned for the time being.  Clicking the OK button confirms the change, while Cancel will close the window, ignoring the changes.

Depending on how many other classes the teacher has, this would improve his fairness rating by 1 to 4 points.  If the classes had not been consecutive, then there would be no change to fairness rating (they have time to walk).

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