module Teacher; from CourseDB import CourseDB, CourseRecord; export Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday, Thursday, Friday, TeacherRecord, Name, TeacherDatabase, Teacher_info, Department, Email, Phone, Office, WTUS, Teacher_class_pref, Preference_value, Class; object TeacherRecord is components: ti:Teacher_info and tp: Teacher_time_pref and cp: Teacher_class_pref; description: (* This contains all the information about a teachers preferences. *) ; end TeacherRecord; object Teacher_info is components: n:Name and d:Department and o:Office and p:Phone and e:Email and w:WTUS and oh:Office_hours; description: (* Teacher_info is all the information that a teacher want to share with the students. The Name component is the teacher's real world name. The Department component specifies what department in the university the teacher belongs to. The Office component contains information about the location of the teacher's office. The Phone component holds the teacher's school phone number. The Email component is the teacher's email address. *); end Teacher_info; object Office_hours is components: Days and Times; description: (* Office hours will hold the days and times that the teacher will have office hours. The Days component are all the days in the week starting on Monday and ending on Friday. The Times component are all the working hours in the day. *); end Office_hours; object Times is components: integer; description: (* The times represented w/ an integer of when office hours are held. *); end Times; object TeacherDatabase is components: q: TeacherRecord*; description: (* TeacherDatabase is a collection of TeacherRecord. *); end TeacherDatabase; object Name is components: string; description: (* Name of the teacher. *); end Name; object Department is components: string; description: (* Name of Department. *); end Department; object Office is components: string; description: (* Office number. *); end Office; object Phone is components: string; description: (* Teacher's phone number. *); end Phone; object Email is components: string; description: (* Teacher Email address. *); end Email; object WTUS is components: integer; description: (* Amount of WTUs that a teacher wants. *); end WTUS; object Teacher_time_pref is components: d: Days; description: (* Teacher_time_pref are all the teacher time preferences for the week. The Days component are all the days in the week, starting on Monday and ending on Friday. *); end Teacher_time_pref; object Days is components: M: Monday and T: Tuesday and W: Wednesday and Th: Thursday and F: Friday and S: Saturday; description: (* Days are all the days in the week. All the components are individual days of the week. *); end Days; object Monday is components: h: Hour*; description: (* Monday is a day in a week. The Hours components are all the working hours that teacher can work on. *); end Monday; object Tuesday is components: h: Hour*; description: (* Tuesday is a day in a week. The Hours components are all the working hours that teacher can work on. *); end Tuesday; object Wednesday is components: h: Hour*; description: (* Wednesday is a day in a week. The Hours components are all the working hours that teacher can work on. *); end Wednesday; object Thursday is components: h: Hour*; description: (* Thursday is a day in a week. The Hours components are all the working hours that teacher can work on. *); end Thursday; object Friday is components: h: Hour*; description: (* Friday is a day in a week. The Hours components are all the working hours that teacher can work on. *); end Friday; object Saturday is components: h: Hour*; description: (* Saturday is a day in a week. The Hours components are all the working hours that teacher can work on. *); end Saturday; object Hour is components: p: Preference_value; description: (* Hour is an hour of all of the working times of the day and their corresponding preference value. The Preference_value component is a preference level that the teacher desire. *); end Hour; object Preference_value is components: integer; description: (* A Value between 0-10. *); end Preference_value; object Teacher_class_pref is components: c: Class*; description: (* Teacher_class_pref is the teacher's complete class preferences and Lab gap time preferences. The Pref_item component is one item in Teacher_class_pref *); end Teacher_class_pref; object Class is components: Lab_gap_time and crd:CourseRecord and p: Preference_value; description: (* The Class is all the information of the prefernces for a class. The Lab_gap_time is how long the teacher think the lab and lecture should be apart by. The Preference_value component is the preference level that the teacher desire. *); end Class; object Lab_gap_time is components: integer; description: (* The number of hours between lecture and lab that the teacher wants. *); end Lab_gap_time; operation Update_Info is inputs: tip: Teacher_info and db: TeacherDatabase; outputs: db': TeacherDatabase; description: (* Add information about a teacher, if the login operation is passed. *); precondition: ((tip.n != nil) and (tip.d != nil) and (tip.o != nil) and (tip.p != nil) and (tip.e != nil) and (tip.w != nil) and (tip.oh != nil)); postcondition: forall(tr: TeacherRecord) (tr in db') iff (tr in db) or ((tr.ti.n = tip.n) and (tr.ti.d = tip.d) and (tr.ti.o = tip.o) and (tr.ti.e = tip.e) and (tr.ti.w = tip.w) and (tr.ti.oh = tip.oh)); end Update_Info; operation Update_time_pref is inputs: itp: Teacher_time_pref, db: TeacherDatabase; outputs: db': TeacherDatabase; precondition: (* * The user must be already Login in order to save the preferences * to the teacher's record, other wise the user will be prompt with * the login window. Values must range from 0 -10. *) forall(hour in itp.d.M.h) (hour.p != nil) and (hour.p >=0) and (hour.p <= 10) and forall(hour in itp.d.T.h) (hour.p != nil) and (hour.p >=0) and (hour.p <= 10) and forall(hour in itp.d.W.h) (hour.p != nil) and (hour.p >=0) and (hour.p <= 10) and forall(hour in itp.d.Th.h) (hour.p != nil) and (hour.p >=0) and (hour.p <= 10) and forall(hour in itp.d.F.h) (hour.p != nil) and (hour.p >=0) and (hour.p <= 10) and forall(hour in itp.d.S.h) (hour.p != nil) and (hour.p >=0) and (hour.p <= 10) ; postcondition: (* * *) forall(tr: TeacherRecord) (tr in db') iff (tr in db) or (( = itp.d.M.h) and ( = itp.d.T.h) and ( = itp.d.W.h) and ( = itp.d.Th.h) and ( = itp.d.F.h) and ( = itp.d.S.h)); description: (* Add time preferences for a particular teacher, if the login operation is passed. *); end Update_time_pref; operation Update_class_pref is inputs: icp: Teacher_class_pref and db: TeacherDatabase; outputs: db': TeacherDatabase; description: (* Add class preferences for a particular teacher, if the login operation is passes. *); precondition: (* All Preference values must be between 0 -10 *) forall(class in icp.c) (class.p != nil) and (class.p >= 0) and (class.p <=10); postcondition: forall(tr: TeacherRecord) (tr in db') iff (tr in db) or (tr.cp.c = icp.c); end Update_class_pref; operation Login is inputs: ts: Teacher_Server and us: Username and p: Password; outputs: pass: Pass; description: (* Takes the username and password that the user inputted and checks the inputs with the databases of usernames and passwords stored on the server. If successful, the "global variable" PASS for the workspace is set. *); end Login; object Teacher_Server components: us: Username and p: Password and db: TeacherDatabase; description: (* The Username component is the user name and the Password component is the password of the user. TeacherDatabase is a database of the preferences for all the teachers. The server has a list of Usernames and Passwords. *); end Teacher_Server; object Username is components: string; description: (* The teacher username. *); end Username; object Password is string; object Pass is boolean ; end Teacher;