package scheduler.InstructorPref; import java.util.Collection; /** * * The full preference object is comprised of the four types of preferences: Time, Course, Proximal and Pattern. * * @author * @version * **/ public class InstructorPref { /** Default Constructor **/ public InstructorPref() { } /** SaveCourse saves whatever is in the CoursePref. The operation * will make sure that if a value is entered into a CPPreference * that it is between 0 and 10 and if there is no value in it (nil) * then upon completion all nils have been filled the value of 5. **/ protected CoursePreference saveCourse(CoursePref cp, CoursePref old_cpref, CoursePreference new_cpref) { return null; } /** SavePattern saves whatever is in the PatternPrefs. The operatio *n will make sure that if a value is entered into a * PatternPreference that it is between 0 and 10 and if there is no * value in it (nil) then upon completion all nils have been filled the value of 5. **/ protected PatternPreference savePattern(PatternPref pap, PatternPref old_ppref, PatternPreference new_ppref) { return null; } /** SaveProximal saves the ProximalPreference to it's new settings. * No value except PPTemporal can be nil, but lucky us, there is no * way to have any of the other components have nil because the format of each one in the GUI is a multiple choice. **/ protected ProximalPreference saveProximal(ProximalPreference prp) { return null; } /** SaveTime saves whatever is in the TimePrefs. The operation wil *l make sure that if a value is entered into a TPPreference that i *t is between 0 and 10 and if there is no value in it (nil) then upon completion all nils have been filled the value of 5. **/ protected TimePreference saveTime(TimePref tp, TimePref old_tps, TimePreference new_tps) { return null; } protected TimePreference timePreference; protected CoursePreference coursePreference; protected ProximalPreference proximalPreference; protected PatternPreference patternPreference; }