5.3. Room DB fsml
* Module TempRoomDB defines the major Room database objects of the scheduling tool.
module RoomDB;
export RoomDB;
object RoomDB
components: RoomEntry*;
description: (*
The TempRoomDB is the temporary databses for each schedule. The contain all
of the avaiable rooms for the quarters schedule, along with the times that they are
object RoomEntry
components: timeslot:TimeSlot, building:Building, roomnumber:RoomNumber, type:Type, maxocc:MaxOcc, equipment:Equipment, disability:Disability;
description: (*
The Rooms object consists of building, room #, type, max occupancy, equipment, and disability
object TimeSlot
components: TimePref, Date, Time;
description: (*
The Timeslot onject contains all of the information about what time the room is avaiable to the
department for use.
object TimePref
components: Availability;
description: (*
For the time and date, is the class avaiable or not
object Availability = boolean;
object Building = integer;
object RoomNumber = integer;
object Type = string;
object MaxOcc = integer;
object Equipment = string;
object Disability = string;
object Date = string;
object Time = string;
operation AddEntry
inputs: rdb:RoomDB, re:RoomEntry;
outputs: rdb':RoomDB;
description: (* This operation adds an entry to the
* There is no record in the input RoomDB with the same Building and Room Number as the
* record to be added. The Building, Room Number, and Type must not be empty.
(not (exists (re' in rdb) re'.building = re.building and re'.roomnumber = re.roomnumber))
re.building != nil and re.roomnumber != nil and re.type != nil;
* There is no user record in the input RoomDB with the same Department and Course Number as the
* record to be added.
* A course entry is in the output db if and only if it is the new
* record to be added or it is in the input db.
forall (re':RoomEntry)
(re' in rdb') iff ((re' = re) or (re' in rdb));
operation RemoveEntry
inputs: rdb:RoomDB, re:RoomEntry;
outputs: rdb':RoomDB;
description: (* This operation removes an entry from the
database by building and number.*);
precondition: (* The entry is in the database*)
(re in rdb);
postcondition: (* The entry is not in the database, but all other entries are still there *)
(forall (re':RoomEntry)
(re' in rdb') iff ((re' != re) and (re' in rdb)));
operation ChangeEntry
inputs: rdb:RoomDB, oldre:RoomEntry, newre:RoomEntry;
outputs: rdb':RoomDB;
description: (* This operation removes the old entry and adds a new entry to the database.*);
precondition: (* Old entry must exist in the database, don't care if the new entry is the same as the old one.*)
(oldre in rdb) and newre.building != nil and newre.roomnumber != nil;
(*The old entry does not exist and the new entry does exist*)
(newre in rdb') and not(oldre in rdb');
end RoomDB;
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