2.1-UI Overview Test

Component Inspector Date Status Remarks
2.1 ATB 26oct07 DONE
2.1H1 ATB 26oct07 DONE
2.1P1 ATB 26oct07 DONE
2.1I1 ATB 26oct07 DONE
2.1I2 ATB 26oct07DONE
2.1P2 ATB 26oct07FIX Figure ref not correct
2.1P3 ATB 26oct07 FIX  Plural of menu is menus not menu's
2.1P4, 5  ATB 26oct07 DONE
2.1I3 ATB 26oct07 DONE
2.1P6 ATB 26oct07 FIX "an instructor" not "a instructore"
2.1L1 ATB 26oct07 FIX Link goes to outdated page
2.1L2,3 ATB 26oct07 DONE