# # This is a template Makefile to be put in the design directory of a 309 # project. Goto the lines labeled "FILL IN HERE" to customize this template # for your project. # # In order for this Makefile to work properly, your project directory must be # set up per the 309 SOP, Volume 1. In particular, you must have the following # directories defined: # # DIRECTORY CONTENTS # ===================================================================== # design/javadoc root directory for the HTML files generated # by javadoc # # implementation/source/java root directory for the Java source files of # your project, organized into packages # # You must also have the following files defined: # # FILE CONTENTS # ===================================================================== # design/javadoc/overview.html Descriptive overview of your entire project. # This will be placed by javadoc at the top # level of the generated HTML files. # # implementation/source/java/ Descriptive overview for each package defined # PKG_DIR/package.html in each implementation PKG_DIR. # # CSC 309 java lib directory LIB309 = /home/gfisher/classes/309/lib/JVM # Implementation source directory SOURCE = implementation/source/java # Javadoc destination directory DESTINATION = design/javadoc # File containing top-level javadoc overview for your project OVERVIEW_FILE = design/overview.html ### FILL IN HERE: # On the lines following "PACKAGES = \" below, fill in the names of all the # packages for your project. Start each line with one tab character and end # each line except the last with a space followed by a backslash. PACKAGES = \ scheduler.CourseDB \ scheduler.Database \ scheduler.Edit \ scheduler.Generate \ scheduler.InstructorDB \ scheduler.LocationDB \ scheduler.Main \ scheduler.ManualEdit \ scheduler.Open \ scheduler.Preferences \ scheduler.Print \ scheduler.ScheduleProject \ scheduler.ScheduleQuality \ scheduler.ViewSchedule \ scheduler.fileExit \ scheduler.fileNew ### FILL IN HERE: # Between the double quote characters below, fill in the document title for # your project. This is the title that will appear in the top-level javadoc # overview documentation. DOC_TITLE = "Mechanically-Generated Design for the EClass Project" ### FILL IN HERE: # Between the double quote characters below, fill in the title you want to # appear in the banner of the javadoc browser window. This will be used as the # HTML command by javadoc. WINDOW_TITLE = "Mechanically-Generated Design for the EClass Project" # Generate the javadoc files. doc: cd ..; \ javadoc \ -sourcepath $(SOURCE) \ -classpath $(LIB309) \ -d $(DESTINATION) \ -overview $(OVERVIEW_FILE) \ -doctitle $(DOC_TITLE) \ -windowtitle $(WINDOW_TITLE) \ $(PACKAGES)