Editing Instructor Information

Once the instructor hits Edit under the instructor heading, the Scheduler displays a database window with the instructor information. The professor can only edit information for the instructor's own entry. Also, the instructor can only edit time and course preferences. The form greys out all the other fields outside of time and course preferences. After editing the information, the instructor clicks the save button to save the preferences to the database. Figure 18 shows the edit instructor dialogue from an instructor's point of view.

Figure 18: Instructor's Edit Instructor Dialogue

The administrator can edit instructor information as well. However, the administrator cannot make changes to the time and course preferences in the permanent database and can only change the copy in each individual schedule. The administrator can edit all of the other fields regarding an instructor and save the changes in the database. The administrator can make changes to the course and time preferences for each individual schedule. These modifications will appear in the local copy. Figure 19 illustrates the edit instructor dialogue from an administrator's point of view.

Figure 19: Administrator's Filled Edit Instructor Dialogue

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