2.1.3: Student UI

When invoked by a student, the Scheduler Tool displays an initial screen, illustrated in Figure 5.

Figure 5: Student splash screen

The user is presented with two windows: The primary work space window, with a menu bar across the top edge and the work space area left blank; a splash screen, listing several primary functions the scheduling administrator may select to quickly get to work. If the user chooses to bypass the splash screen by closing it, an work space remains within the primary window, at which point the user may use the top-most menu bar to direct his/her efforts. If the user wishes to not be presented with the splash screen at startup, he may uncheck the Display at startup dialogue at the bottom left corner of the splash screen.

Below, Figure 6 shows an expansion of the top-level menu bar.

Figure 6: Student UI overview

The File menu contains commands regarding the general management of the scheduler's files and projects. File-->Open Project opens a display by which the user may select and open an already-created schedule project. File-->Recent opens a drop-down menu next to the Recent selection, listing several recently edited/opened schedule projects. Students cannot edit these schedules: they are opened in a "read-only" format. File-->Save commits any changes made to a project and save them to the appropriate file name. File--> Save As... opens a display whereby the user may save their project under a name different than its current one. File-->Print opens a display whereby the user may selections option to print all or parts of a schedule project. File-->Print Preview opens a display which illustrates how the schedule would look if printed with the current printer settings. File-->Close Project closes the current schedule project, asking the user whether he/she wishes to save his/her current work. Scheduler remains open, with a blank work space. File-->Exit closes the Scheduler program, querying the user as to whether he/she wishes to save his/her work.

The Edit menu contains commands pertaining to some of the more basic tools of the scheduler program. Edit-->Undo undo's the most recent action on the schedule by the user. Edit-->Redo redo's the most recent action which had Edit-->Undo applied to it. Edit-->Cut takes the current, cursor-selected object and remove it, placing it in memory on a "clipboard". Edit-->Copy takes the current, cursor-selected object and copies it into memory on a "clipboard". Edit-->Paste takes the most recent addition to the clipboard (either by Edit-->Cut or Edit-->Paste and place it at the most appropriate places nearest the current position of the cursor (provided a Paste operation is currently allowed in a given setting. Edit-->Find opens a display whereby the user may search for a particular item with the schedule (professor name, raw text displayed in the schedule, a particular class, etc.). Edit-->Select All highlights all available objects in the area surrounding the cursor's current position, or around the window which currently has the "focus". Edit--Preferences opens a display whereby the user can configure the inner workings of the Scheduler Tool (general settings, font settings, default display settings, etc).

The View menu contains commands to reorganize how the current schedule-project is viewed. View-->Course, View-->Instructor, and View-->Room # reorganize the schedule's view to display it according to criteria to be specified in a subsequent window. . View-->Course reorganizes the schedule's representation to present the user with a schedule sorted according to a classes letter acronym (CPE, CSC, SE, etc.) and corresponding numerical identifier (101, 102...308, 415, etc.). View-->Instructor reorganizes the schedule's representation to present the user with a schedule sorted according to professor's names. View-->Room # reorganizes the schedule's representation to present the user with a schedule sorted according to which rooms various classes are held in.

It should be noted that, unlike the schedule administrator and instructor views, the student view does not have the Schedule pull-down available. This is because students are not given access to schedule generation (even non-permanent).

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