# # This is here for the sole purpose of making SpecL compilation easier. Feel # free to add your own tags to the file for your own use. # # Reason this is here: in order to get your "export" and "import" operations # to work, you need to compile all files involved at the same time on the # command line. Thus, the "database.sl" file needs to be compiled with all the # other "DB" files and the "preference" file for everything to stitch together # nicely # # Cheers, # Eric # SPECL=~eliebowi/bin/specl DB=database.sl instructorDB.sl courseDB.sl locationDB.sl preference.sl all: generate database project project: $(SPECL) scheduleProject.sl generate.sl $(DB) generate: $(SPECL) generate.sl $(DB) database: $(SPECL) $(DB)