Scheduler Tool Prototype

The Scheduler Tool prototype is implemented as a pure GUI "store front" style, using Java Swing. "Store front" means the GUI displays sample interface screens, but there is no underlying functionality for operating on Scheduler Databases or for Generating Schedules. The screens are examples designed to represent the look and fill of the Scheduler Tool.

The prototype executable is a manifested jar file named SchedTool.jar It can launched by double clicking on its desktop icon. From the command line, it is executed in the name way, i.e., "java -jar SchedTool.jar".

The top-level source files in tha caltool package directory. The files are and

The package subdirectories with additional source are

There is a UNIX Makefile for compiling the executable prototype and its creating an updated jar file. For detailed compilation and running instructions see README. The README also contains credits for the various Java prototype GUIs.