CPE 308 Fall 2009 Milestone 8 To compile the prototype and create a new runnable jar, type make To create only executable class file, type make main To create only a new jar file, type make jar To clean up diretories of class files, type make clean To execute the class files in the prototype directory type java schedtool/Main To execute the jar file in the prototype directory type java -jar ./schedtool/SchedTool.jar Team Member Actions =============================================================================== Andrew Katz Select 'File' in the menubar Select 'New' Select 'File' in the menubar Select 'Recent Instructor Database' Select 'Scheduling' in the menubar Select 'Manage Course Offerings' Select 'Scheduling' in the menubar Select 'Assign Faculty' Andy Gonzalez Menubar Select 'File' in the menubar Select 'Save' Press 'Ok' button Select 'Scheduling' in the menubar Select 'Manual Schedule Edit...' John Hartquist Select 'Instructor' in the menubar Select 'Edit Course Preferences...' Select 'Instructor' in the menubar Select 'Edit Time Preferences...' Select 'Instructor' in the menubar Select 'View Instructor Data' Select 'Admin' in the menubar Select 'Server Operations' Christina Forney Select 'Scheduling' in the menubar Select 'Schedule Attributes' Select 'Other Scores' tab Press 'Regenerate Schedule' /* Andys java begin */ Select 'Scheduling' in the menubar Select 'Manual Schedule Edit...' /* Andys java end */ Press 'OK' button Select 'Scheduling' Select 'Administrative Preferences...' Jonathan Thomas Select 'File' in the menubar Select 'Recent Room Database' Press 'Add' button Select 'View' in the menubar Select 'Master Scheduler' Select 'View' in the menubar Select 'Schedule View by Instructor Week' Select 'View' in the menubar Select 'Schedule View by Room Week'