1.5.4 aSc Timetables

aSc Timetabler is a very user friendly scheduling tool. It is geared more towards a grade school environment. Adapting this tool for a University setting requires quite a bit of finesse. It is designed as a single-user system that can generate a schedule plan for one department. It lacks the capability to allow students to create their own schedules from the available courses for a specific quarter. It does provide the ability for professors, classes, and classrooms to have preferences, and has a solid conflict resolution algorithm.

Overall, aSc Timetabler provides an acceptable level of Scheduling capabilities for a grade school setting. In the context of a University, its capabilities are inadequate. The effort required to adjust the settings to accommodate a University greatly outweighs the positive attributes that this Timetabler offers.

Good Features:

Bad Features:

Missing Features:

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