Requirements Specification
for Scheduler Tool
Version 1.0
June 2004


1. Introduction
     1.1. Problem Statement
     1.2. System Personnel
     1.3. Operational Setting
     1.4. Impacts
     1.5. Related Systems
         1.5.1. CyberMatrix
         1.5.2. Lantiv Timetabler
         1.5.3. Natural Opinion Class Scheduler
         1.5.4. KnowledgeBridge Class Management
         1.5.5. E-Z Class Scheduler
         1.5.6. Feature Comparison Matrix

2. Functional Requirements
     2.1. User Interface Overview
     2.2. Program Usage
     2.3. Viewing and Editing Course Information
         2.3.1. Adding a New Course
         2.3.2. Editing an Existing Course
         2.3.3. Finding a Course
         2.3.4. Deleting a Course
         2.3.5. Importing a Course Database
     2.4. Viewing and Editing Instructor Information
         2.4.1. Adding a New Instructor
         2.4.2. Editing an Existing Instructor
         2.4.3. Finding an Instructor
         2.4.4. Deleting an Instructor
         2.4.5. Importing an Instructor Database
     2.5. Viewing and Editing Classroom Information
         2.5.1. Adding a New Classroom
         2.5.2. Editing an Existing Classroom
         2.5.3. Finding a Classroom
         2.5.4. Deleting a Classroom
         2.5.5. Importing a Classroom Database
     2.6. Viewing and Editing the Schedule
         2.6.1. Generating and Viewing a Schedule
         2.6.2. Editing the Schedule Using the Edit Mode
         2.6.3. Editing the Schedule by Changing Criteria
         2.6.4. Erasing the Schedule
     2.7. Instructor Preferences
         2.7.1. Logging In
         2.7.2. Selecting Which Preferences to Edit
         2.7.3. Personal Information
         2.7.4. Course Preferences
         2.7.5. Day Preferences
         2.7.6. Time Preferences
     2.8. Student Feedback
         2.8.1. Student Interface
         2.8.2. Viewing Student Course Requests
         2.8.3. Viewing Student Comments
     2.9. Using Workspaces
         2.9.1. Creating a New Workspace
         2.9.2. Opening a Workspace
         2.9.3. Saving a Workspace
         2.9.4. Deleting a Workspace
         2.9.5. Opening Multiple Workspaces
     2.10. Master Workspace
         2.10.1. Creating a Master Workspace
         2.10.2. Editing Master Workspace
     2.11. Administrative Users
         2.11.1. Adding Administrators
         2.11.2. Removing Administrators
     2.12. How the Schedule is Generated
     2.13. Setting the Server
     2.14. Properties
     2.15. Error Conditions
     2.16. Details of File Commands

3. Non-Functional Requirements
     3.1. System Performance
     3.2. Qualitative System Characteristics

4. Developer Overview

5. Formal Specifications
     5.1. File (file.rsl)
     5.2. Edit (edit.rsl)
     5.3. Databases (databases.rsl)
     5.4. Schedule (schedule.rsl)
     5.5. Administration (admin.rsl)
