5.5. Administration (administration.rsl)

//Quarter && CourseTitle should be already defined??

object Administrators is components: Instructors and IsAdmin;

 description: (*

     An administrator is anyone who can edit a schedule.


end Administrator;


object IsAdmin is boolean

description: (*
        This is a boolean indicating if an instructor is an administrator.
 end IsAdmin;



object StudentFeedback is components: StudentComment or CourseRequest

description: (*
        This is contains students’ feedback, and if it is not anonymous, their name and a reply address.
 end StudentFeedback;


object StudentComment is components: Comment and CourseTitle

description: (*
        This is a contains feedback and the course it is referring to.
end StudentComment;


object Comment is string

description: (*
        This contains feedback from the student.
end Comment;


object CourseRequest is components: CourseTitle and Quarter and RequestCount

description: (*

        This is a course, which was requested by a student.


end CourseRequests;


object Request is int

description: (*
        This counts the request for a course in a specific quarter.
end Comment;



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