Viewing (view.rsl)

*Module databases defines the objects and operations related to viewing the different scheduling categories available to the user.

object CourseView is Title and Description and Sections and Type and Units and WTUs;
object InstructorView is LastName and FirstName and MiddleName and Degree and Handicap;
object ClassroomView is Building and Room and Size and Location and Handicap and Lab and Resources;
object ScheduleView is Course and Sec and Type and Call and Instructor and Days and Starts and stops and Room;

operation ViewCourses is
inputs: cdb:CourseDB;
outputs: cvl':CourseView*;
precondition: (* none *);
postcondition: (forall (cs:Course in cdb) exists (cv:CourseView in cvl') (cs.Title = cvl'.Title)) and #cdb = #cvl';
end ViewCourses;

operation ViewInstructors is
inputs: idb:InstructorDB;
outputs: ivl':InstructorView*;
precondition: (* none *);
postcondition: (forall (inst:Instructor in idb) exists (instv:InstructorView in ivl') (inst.Title = ivl'.Title)) and #idb = #ivl';
end ViewCourses;

operation ViewClassrooms is
inputs: crdb:ClassroomDB;
outputs: crvl':ClassroomView*;
precondition: (* none *);
postcondition: (forall (cr:Classroom in crdb) exists (crv:CourseView in crvl') (cr.Title = crvl'.Title)) and #crdb = #crvl';
end ViewCourses;

operation ViewSchedule is
inputs: sdb:ScheduleDB;
outputs: svl':ScheduleView*;
precondition: (* none *);
postcondition: (forall (sch:Schedule in sdb) exists (schv:ScheduleView in svl') (sch.CallNum = svl'.CallNum)) and #sdb = #svl';
end ViewCourses;

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