2.4.2 Editing an Existing Instructor

To edit an instructor already in the database, the user clicks on the instructor in the Instructors window, as shown in Figure 2.4.2-1.  The 'Edit' button is now active, and the user clicks it.

Figure 2.4.2-1: Instructor "Gene Fisher" is highlighted in the instructor list window.

A new window with three tabs appears, as shown in Figure 2.4.2-2. The personal information of the selected instructor is displayed, and can be edited.

Figure 2.4.2-2: Personal information of the selected instructor.

The user moves on to the 'Course Preferences' tab, as shown in Figure 2.4.2-3. The course preferences of the selected instructor are displayed, and can be edited in the same fashion as in the Add an Instructor window.

Figure 2.4.2-3: Course preferences of the selected instructor.

The user selects the 'Time Preferences' tab, as shown in Figure 2.4.2-4. The time preferences of the selected instructor are displayed, and can be edited. The user clicks 'OK' to save the changes made, or the user clicks 'Cancel' to not save the changes made.  Either option will return the user to the to the Instructors window.

Figure 2.4.2-4: Time preferences of the selected instructor.


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