Team: Scheduler-M Group: Adriel Fuad Ricky Tam Clement Poisson Sandra Ngo Brent Dimapilis Trent Ellingson README for Prototype: Netbeans compiled the prototypes into "scheduletool.jar". To run the prototype, run the script, with the following command "./". Executable permissions need to be set, so "chmod a+x" may need to be run first. Be sure the 'lib' folder is in the same directory as the scheduletool.jar and because 'lib' contains "appframework-1.0.3.jar" and "swing-worker-1.1.jar." which are needed for the prototype to run. Please note, when run on vogon, it may take about a minute for the application to start up. Navigation Instructions are below with a Title about what each person's UI was and the corresponding person. The directions are step by step from one section to another. Team Member Actions ====================================================================== Brent Dimapilis 1. Initial Scheduler Tool Window -Run script to show the initial window Brent Dimapilis 2. Student Login Screen -Select 'Student' from the 'Categories' dropdown box -Press the 'Next' button -Student Login Screen appears Brent Dimapilis 3. Student UI -Press the 'Login' button -Student UI appears Ricky Tam 4. Instructor Login Screen -Press the 'Submit' or 'Cancel' button to go back to Initial Scheduler window. -Select 'Instructor' from the 'Categories' dropdown box -Press the 'Next' button -Instructor Login screen appears. Ricky Tam 5. Instructor's Course Preferences Window -Press the 'Login' button -Instructor's Course Preferences Window appears Ricky Tam 6. Instructor's Room Preference Window -Select 'View' in the menubar -Press 'Room Prefences' menuitem. -Instructor's Rooms Preferences Window appears Ricky Tam 7. Instructor's Time Preference Window -Select 'View' in the menubar -Press 'Time Prefences' menuitem. -Instructor's Time Preferences Window appears Brent Dimapilis 8. Admin Login Screen -Click back to the initial menu (Note: do not close 'Time Preference' Window or entire program will close) -Select 'Administrator' from the 'Categories' dropdown box -Press the 'Next' button -Admin Login Screen appears Trent Ellingson 9. Admin view with Database Window (in tabular form) Sandra Ngo -Press the 'Login' button Adriel Fuad -Admin view appears Adriel Fuad 10. About the Constraints -Select 'View' in the menubar -Press 'Scheduler Constraints' menuitem. -Scheduler constraints window appears Brent Dimapilis 11. Find command -Select 'Edit' in the menubar -Press 'Find' menuitem. -The Find dialogue appears. Adriel Fuad 12. Filter command -Press 'Find' or 'Close' to return to the AdminView -Select the Rooms tab (to give the impression its filtering a room) -Select 'Tools' in the menubar -Press 'Filter' menuitem. -The Filter dialogue appears. Adriel Fuad 13. Add Room Dialogue -Press 'Filter' or 'Cancel' to return to the AdminView -Select 'Insert' in the menubar -Press 'Room' menuitem. -Add Room Dialogue appears. Sandra Ngo 14. Add Course Dialogue -Press 'Done' or 'Cancel' to return to the AdminView -Select 'Insert' in the menubar -Press 'Course' menuitem. -Add Course Dialogue appears. Sandra Ngo 14. Confirm Delete message -Press 'Done' or 'Cancel' to return to the AdminView -Select 'Edit' in the menubar -Press 'Remove Course Record' menuitem. (even though there are none populated). -Message pops up asking for confirmation to delete course record. Trent Ellingson 15. Add Instructor Dialogue -Press 'Confirm' or 'Cancel' to return to the AdminView -Select 'Insert' in the menubar -Press 'Instructor' menuitem. -Add Instructor Dialogue appears. Trent Ellingson 16. Populated Instructor DB -Press 'Add Instructor' to return to the AdminView -Select 'Instructors' tab -See the populated Instructor Database. Trent Ellingson 17. View Instructor Record -Select 'Tools' in the menubar -Press 'View Instructor' menuitem. -Non-editable Instructor record appears. Sandra Ngo 18. Pop-up dialogue about generating schedule -Press 'Edit' or 'Done' to return to the AdminView -Press the 'Generate' button -Schedule generation Dialogue appears. Sandra Ngo 19. Dialogue to add a year when generating a schedule -Select 'Add...' from the 'Year' dropdown box. -Add Year dialogue appears. Clement Poisson 20. Generated Schedule -- List view -Press 'Add' or 'Cancel' to return to the ScheduleGeneration dialogue -Press the 'Generate' button -Generated Schedule appears in List view (currently empty) Clement Poisson 21. Generated Schedule -- Work Week view -Press 'Work Week' -Generated Schedule appears in WorkWeek view (currently empty) Clement Poisson 22. Generated Schedule -- Day view -Press 'Day' -Generated Schedule appears in Day view (currently empty) --> Netbeans showed this window fine when building it and previewing it, but when we ran it, it did not look the same. Included in this directory is a screenshot of how it looked when previewed. Clement Poisson 23. Edit Schedule Item Dialogue -Select 'View' in the menubar -Press 'Edit Schedule Item' menuitem. (because of the above issues, user may need to click file or near there to get this dialogue to open. A screen shot of how this dialogue looks is also attached) -Edit Schedule Item dialogue appears.